
This is the easiest way to save money on your veggie shop.

Image: Thinkstock

Here’s something you probably haven’t considered before: fruit and veggie shopping has a lot in common with speed dating.

When you only have a few minutes to choose your supplies, chances are you’re going to select the most aesthetically pleasing, catalogue-worthy candidate, and leave the rougher-looking ones on the shelf – even if the quality of their personality taste would be just as high as the rest.

We’re all guilty of it. For better or worse, first impressions count – and it’s causing at least 25% of fresh fruit and vegetables to be rejected by consumers. Just because they’re not as pretty as the rest.

Now, Woolworths supermarkets want us to change our shallow (sorry - it's true though) ways, by encouraging us not to overlook those apples with weird bulbous growths and misshapen carrots that sort of resemble male genitalia. Ugly vegetables deserve love too, guys - and in buying them, you're spreading that love to the Aussie growers who need it even more.

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The best part? There's financial gain involved for us. Through The Odd Bunch campaign, which launched last week, you can shop for 'unique'-looking produce at a discounted price. Right now the range covers carrots, pears, potatoes and apples, but the selection will change throughout the year based on which items are in season.

Want to know exactly how much you'll save? Well, right now a regular 1kg bag of Woollies carrots will cost you $1.88, while the 'odd' version is just $1.28. A kilogram bag of potatoes will usually set you back around $3.98, a dollar more than the Odd Bunch bag; and a kilo of weird-looking pears costs just $2.78, compared to $3.98 for the regular kind. Think of all the coffees you'll be able to buy with that spare change!


“We’ve now found a new home for more than 50 tonnes of carrots a week,” Woolworths' National Sales Manager Peter Brinkworth tells “People buy with their eyes but there is nothing wrong with these carrots. Once you cut them up, they are no different to the perfect carrot, apart from their appearance. They taste the same."

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Although this is the first time a national Australian supermarket has implemented this kind of program, Woolworths isn't alone in wanting consumers to pick "taste over waste". In September, Harris Farm launched a similar campaign called Imperfect Picks, inspired by the hugely successful Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables program implemented by French supermarket chain Intermarché earlier this year.

So next time you're stocking up on your salad supplies for the week, remember what your mum always told you: don't judge a potato by its lumps. (Wait...that's how the saying went, right?)

Are you picky when it comes to vegetable shopping?

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