
Not everyone in the jungle is a fan of Tziporah Malkah's free-boobing.

Tziporah Malkah has been our boob-spiration since the former supermodel was dropped in the I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here jungle.

The 43-year-old has waved goodbye to the constraints of her daily routine – and lingerie with underwire – since landing in the wilds of South Africa.

Just like she waved goodbye to James Packer in the late nineties…  *crickets*

All is not well back at the camp and Malkah’s fellow contestants Ash Pollard and Tegan Martin have had it up to here with her free-boobing all over the shop like she’s on holiday or something.

Why Tziphorah is our fave celeb on I’m A celebrity. Post continues after audio…

Oh, and they’re not keen on her expressing her religious beliefs either.

“What the hell is she doing?” MKR contestant Pollard asked Martin, conspiratorially.

“She looks like she’s on her phone … Oh, she’s praying,” the beauty queen replied.

These guys. Source: Channel 10

"Wouldn’t you just step out of camp and do that, like Naz does?” Pollard asked.

Malkah - who practices Judaism, by the way - appeared blissfully unaware of the exchange going on behind her back, which then descended into a complain fest about her laissez-faire attitude to clothing:

M: “She is the most confident human."

P: “I don’t think she is. I think it’s just … something that she gives off."

M: “She just walks around with no clothes on sometimes! I wouldn’t walk around with no clothes on."

P: “That doesn’t mean you’re confident … sometimes it’s a bit rude. We don’t want to see it, do we? It’s a bit of decorum, I would say."

Pollard later referred to her as a "very unusual creature" in a piece-to-camera.

Earlier in the episode, Malkah had revealed her life-long struggle with eating disorders.

“I don’t have a healthy relationship with food. Since I was eight, and I am 43. I have never eaten healthy within the 35 years. It has been a lifelong condition,” she said.

"By the time I started modelling at 13 I had already had a chronic eating disorder for five years."

Let the woman wear (or not wear) whatever the hell makes her comfortable.

For help and support for eating disorders, contact the Butterfly Foundation‘s National Support line and online service on 1800 ED HOPE (1800 33 4673) or email You can also visit their website, here.  

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