
The mother of Brisbane boy, who took his own life after being bullied, is being trolled.

Trigger warning: This post deals with death and suicide. 

It was reported this week that Year 7 student, Tyrone Unsworth, tragically took his own life, after suffering from years of bullying.

His mother, Amanda Unsworth told The Courier Mailthat Tyrone’s bullies taunted him over his sexuality.

The Brisbane mother has now also been subject of abuse and has pleaded online trolls to stop creating fake profiles of her son.

“Ok this shit has to stop,” she said on Facebook.

“Whoever is making up social media accounts in our son Tyrone Unsworth’s name and posting bullshit. I’m going to the police and I will have you charged.

“You have no bloody right doing this our son is dead and you still want to bully him grow up you pathetic little bastards.”

At least two fake profiles were set up with a picture of Tyrone, with his first name and a misspelled surname.

The grieving mother was met with abusive slurs about her son after she contacted one of the fake accounts, according to Kidspot.

The troll said he had an “issue” with Tyrone, described him as a “fag” and also sent the mother a picture of what appeared to be a handgun.

She asked the troll to look at her son’s dead body to understand the impact of their bullying and they replied: “I’ve already seen dead bodies before I don’t care”.

A screenshot of the conversation. Image via Facebook.

The Brisbane mother has also had to endure laughing emojis among her condolences messages online.

Many followers said they were shocked at the trolling.

"That is absolutely disgusting he needs to be held accountable," said a Facebook friend.

Other followers reported the profiles to get them removed.

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