
"The childhood memories I will try to recreate with my kids."

Big Bash League
Thanks to our brand partner, Big Bash League

There was something different about summers back then, wasn’t there? The wide blue skies we played under for hours; the seemingly endless stretch of summer from December with school a distant memory.

Things were simpler and we were all more hands on, more playful, more connected with each other. Times are different now, and our lives are busier. We have schedules, and Things To Do, and we are so busy achieving and ticking things off and rushing here and there, that sometimes it can be hard to know how to enjoy family time together in the summer holidays.

But we can still have that summer feeling, that connection, that simple fun. We can still bring that essence of our childhood summers to our own kids’ lives.

typical aussie summer
“We can still bring that essence of our childhood summers to our own kids’ lives.” Image via iStock.

All it takes it the same spirit – getting up and doing things together. Putting down the devices, putting aside the demands, and having BBQs in the park with friends, going camping, exploring together, and trying new things as a family.

This is how I rremember the summers from my childhood — and this is what I want my kids to remember as well.

The faded, patchy grass on the lawn.

The cricket on in the background; the pedestal fan swinging back and forth in the lounge room.

Bundling into the back of Dad’s car with sweaty legs on vinyl seats until we made it to the beach, swimming past sunset, throwing tennis balls to each other and eating fish and chips for dinner in the sand.

Squidging mud between my toes with my sister as a way to cool down after giant sprinkler sessions that lasted all afternoon.

Climbing the giant gum tree in our front yard.

Water bombs, water guns!

Icy poles; sticky fingers.

Assembling everyone to play cricket in the front yard – the thud the balls made hitting the back fence, the cries of injustice from cousins and brothers, being made to go ‘silly mid on’ or in the slips and complaining. The catches, the missed opportunities, the ‘bowled ‘im!”s; the flies, the sunscreen on our noses.

typical aussie summer
“The catches, the missed opportunities, the ‘bowled ‘im!”s; the flies, the sunscreen on our noses.” Image via iStock.

Terry towelling hats and mozzie spray for after the sun went down.

Board games, card games, riding on our bikes at the dead end of the street.

And the glorious arrival of Christmas amidst all this – the smell of the fresh pine needles, the jangling of decorations, tinsel malting onto the carpet, the popping of crackers and the food – the food. Stuffed full bellies and flopping on the couch in front of the cricket.


We would drive up to the country to visit more cousins, doing everything all over again but on a bigger scale. More food, more BBQs, more cricket, but wider open spaces, more appeals, more spectacular catches, more “howzaaaaat!”s hollered through the early evening air.

This time around, my kids’ time around, it’ll be The Big Bash League. It’s just like that childhood summer feeling — open spaces, heaps of action and entertainment for everyone, and with the kids mesmerized by the game, parents can kick back just like our parents used to. It’s like going to your friend’s place for a BBQ – it’s just that your friends happen to have the best and biggest toys around.

The Big Bash League is like traditional cricket pumped up and concentrated with all the highlights. It’s great family value and great entertainment, with that spirit of our Aussie childhood summers that your kids can experience with you.

So instead of taking the family to the movies, which let’s face it, is just more screen time, why not take them out for a night they won’t forget at the Big Bash League?

What memories will you remake with your family?

And if you’re in the mood for more cricket, here’s everything you can expect at a BBL match. 

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