
There are 10 types of work colleagues. If you’re number 7, your job could be in danger.

Ahh colleagues... we either have them, had them or will have them (watch out). 

It's safe to say that there will be people we meet at work who we become lifelong friends with, fall in love with or become enemies with. 

The below tweet perfectly sums up what it's like to have co-workers. 

And with that, I am here to tell you there will be 10 types people you may come across in your work life... so don't say I didn't warn you. 

1. The millennial work wives. 

The millennial work wives take the concept of "work friends" to a whole new level. They've been at the company for over three years and the reason they'll never leave is because of each other. 


They've made being work wives their entire personality. Even if they're in a very important meeting, one of them will introduce the other saying "Sandra is our head of client experience" and then whisper under her breath "and she's my work wife." Their friendship extends beyond the workplace. They hang out on weekends, their partners have met and they might even be each other's bridesmaids. 

Nothing can come between them, not even company-wide redundancies. 

Watch: Trying to distract your work wife. Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia.

2. The Garry.

The Garry is the oldest person at the company and is also every young employee's favourite. Why? Because they're so set in their ways it's comical. The Garry doesn't know how to connect their computer to the "big screen" and look, they're not keen on learning either. They've put in the yards and now it's time that they rest (on company time that is).

The Garry doesn't take part in office politics or drama. They decline meetings without giving any reason and sometimes they don't even show up. The Garry is the workplace's collective icon. It's who we all want to be. 

3. The lingerer. 

The lingerer has never sat down in their life. We're not entirely sure how they get any work done standing around and hovering over other people but they seem to still be here so they're clearly doing something right. Not even a standing desk can prevent them from coming over to you to stand around asking meaningless questions. A bent knee? They don't know her. 


4. The "it’s 5pm somewhere." 

This person is also labelled as the "fun one" in the office. They're always down for a good time and have full control of both the vibes and the wine fridge. They are constantly organising after-work drinks and have even gotten a great deal at the bar next door due to the amount of customers they provide. 

You can guarantee that at around 12pm they'll come around and ask, "Pub lunch anyone?". 

5. The double-lifer. 

This person is the co-worker's version of a jump scare. They're the first one at work and the last one to leave. They come to every after-work social event and they're back at work bright and early the next day. They talk about their ex-partners, their travel plans and vibe with all the young people. Then suddenly they say something along the lines of "Oh I must bring Jack here, he'd love it." You say "who's Jack?" They reply... "My 10-year-old son." 

Your entire life has been a lie. This co-worker who you considered a friend has had children this entire time? You now truly believe that parents can do it all. 

6. The mystery. 

This is usually one of the most attractive people at work. The only issue is that no one can figure them out. Are they in a relationship? What do they do after work? Why do they only have 57 followers on Instagram? 

Every time you attempt to pry, they calmly and cooly reply with one-word answers before ducking out for a vape. They're extremely cool and you wish you weren't a chronic yapper so you could be just like them. 

7. The questioner.

This person — as the name suggests — loves to ask a question. They ask a question about everything. You're so sick of them asking you questions that you've even googled their exact question in front of them so they could take a hint. (Spoiler alert: They haven't). 


You wonder how they got this job in the first place while they wonder what their next question to you will be. Basically, they're the workplace equivalent of a toddler. 

8. The debriefer. 

This person is your favourite. They're not just a co-worker, they're also your friend, therapist, mentor, advisor and occasionally... your parent. 

You go to them for everything, whether it's to vent about your boss, to practise asking for a pay rise or to share an Uber with you to the work Christmas party. 

9. The self-proclaimed girlboss/boyboss. 

This person loves a LinkedIn post. Every tiny little achievement they have is drastically inflated over their social media accounts — as they should. 

They have hacked the system and in return have made the company work for them. The saying isn't true... not everyone is replaceable — They're living proof of that. 

10. The “knows too much.”

This person is the company's biggest asset as well as their biggest liability. They've been here for a long time and they've been gathering information from day one. They know everything about everyone. They know who's getting a promotion, who's getting fired, what everyone's salaries are and even who's pregnant (sometimes before the said person even knows themself). 

The company can't get rid of them because they're also the only person who knows how to fix that one system bug that occurs every 3-6 months. 

Do you have co-workers that fall into these categories? Tell us in the comments below! 

If you want more culture opinions from Emily Vernem, you can follow her on Instagram @emilyvernem.

Feature image: Canva. 

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