The other day I was having a giggle with a girlfriend about the different types of mum friends we have (and which we were).
So I decided to sit down and detail the different types of mum friends I have and why I love them so much. I know I take out a couple of these…
The ‘just had their first baby’ mum friend.
When you’ve got a few kids under the belt, spotting a new mum becomes wayyyyy too easy. My ‘new mum’-dar is red hot.
Characterised by a clean pram and child in pristine brand named clothing, ‘just had their first baby’ mum friends are typically late to every social engagement and the first to leave — or, you know, just never rock up. (It’s okay, we understand. We were once there, too.)
Listen: What do you do when your daughter wants to go to a sleepover but you don’t know the parents? Post continues…
The ‘overly organised’ mum friend.
This mum is not me. I wish it was, but it isn’t. This is the mum who you have to schedule a playdate in with about three months in advance, with specific time, play and itinerary.
The overly organised mum has lists, keeps a diary, and most likely has a reminder for herself to confirm with ‘of the moment mum’ about their upcoming date — as well as a planned menu for said play date.
The ‘of-the-moment’ mum friend.
This one is me, and this one shits the overly organised mum friends to tears.
This mum friends texts you “Hey, wanna go to the park?” with five minutes warning, or calls at 5pm on Saturday to head out for a wine.
‘Of the moment’ mum never knows what she’s doing until about five seconds after it’s happened and is really great at forgetting about dates she planned three months in advance. She is also heavy on the sarcasm and vinos (a.k.a. “YOLO mum”).