
Mr DIY and four other husband personalities you may recognise.

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There are certain husband personalities that every wife can recognise (and may well be married to). From the outdoorsy environmentalist types who like to hike on the weekends to the uber groomed who prefer brunching at the latest trendy café. Whatever group your husband fits into, there is a perfect Father’s Day gift out there for him.

The DIYer.

This guy likes to get handy on the weekend and is always three quarters of the way through his latest project, which often loses appeal before completion. His variety of gadgets means your garage has been converted into a workshop and there always seems to be a rogue screwdriver in the kitchen drawer.

Mr. DIY always has the right adhesive on hand when your little one breaks the door off his toy car and on the weekends he loves nothing more than ambling through the aisles of Bunnings with a sausage in bread and a trolley full of tools.

What he’d love for Father’s Day: A cordless Drill Kit, because there’s nothing as satisfying as spending the weekend working on bits and pieces around the house.


Always three quarters of the way through a project. Image: Pexels.

The Car Enthusiast.

The car enthusiast loves making an annual pilgrimage to Bathurst where he will happily sleep in a tent on a hill and poop in a stinky toilet block all for the joy of watching the V8s race around a track. He gave you the silent treatment when you refused to name your first born ‘Holden’ and if you made him choose between his 1964 EH and you, you’d be single within one rev. He often reminisces about that time he did perfect circle work in a random paddock and his downtime consists of flicking through car magazines and watching reruns of Top Gear.

What he’d love for Father’s Day: A cordless pressure washer, because there’s never enough times you can clean that prized possession.

The Outdoorsy Guy.

Mr. Outdoors loves popping bub in a Macpac carrier and heading for a remote camping site where he can crack open a flask and get a bonfire going. His wardrobe of waterproof jackets, hiking boots and thermals helped him reach VIP status at Kathmandu and he dreams of GoProing his way up Everest if he hasn’t already.


He’s fit, full of energy and can name 85 species of bird from their chirp alone. He’s tight with the planet so generally only likes to eat ethically sourced food and when your monthly water consumption is under the suburb average it’s high-fives all round.

What he’d love for Father’s Day: A portable BBQ so he can cook up a feast on your next camping trip.

Probably owns at least three GoPros. Image: Pexels.


The Sports-Mad Dad.

The sporty dad had your kids enrolled in soccer lessons when they were still in the womb and always has his hand up when sports clubs are looking for volunteers.

If date night clashes with a football game, you generally find yourself playing with the napkin while your partner checks the score on his phone every 30 seconds. If his team makes the Grand Final he will sell vital body parts on the black market to snare a ticket from a scalper. If they lose, his club flag will fly at half-mast and he may get something in his eye.

What he’d love for Father’s Day: An inflator/deflator pump to ensure his footballs, basketballs and soccer balls are always game ready.

The Groomed Dude.

This guy’s wardrobe is double the size of yours and far more trendy. He has a variety of sunnies to match his rainbow collection of Lacoste polos and his Calvin Klein boxers house perfect manscaped bits.

He sticks to a nightly cleanse, tone and moisturise routine no matter how many craft beers he consumes and can cook a five-course degustation one-handed using ingredients like matcha and verjuice. He finds cleaning therapeutic which means he’ll happily wash the dishes or scrub the loo while you catch up on The Bachelor. He’ll also buy you a new GHD hair straightener without needing 250 hints in the lead-up to your birthday.


"This guy’s wardrobe is double the size of yours and far more trendy." Image: Pexels.

What he’d love for Father’s Day: A wooden watch engraved with the kid’s initials because not only is it meaningful, it’s minimalist chic.

These types certainly don’t personify every male partner. There’s also the super fit dude, the comedian, the gamer and the Peter Pan (i.e. the one you can’t get off the jumping castle at kids' parties), to name a few. Some guys are combinations and some are so gloriously unique they defy description. What they do have in common is that we love them (most of the time) and there is a perfect Father’s Day gift for each of them.

What type have you encountered?

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