So what type are you?
Has anyone ever described you as having a “Type A” personality?
Maybe they’ve been having a little giggle at your “to-do” lists.
Or your fiercely competitive urge to win at everything, even pub trivia.
Or the memory of you putting up your hand for student representative council and every other activity that was going at school.
Being a Type A is nothing to be laughed at. The world needs Type As. In fact, Type As run the world. (You secretly knew that, didn’t you?)
If you’re a Type A, own it. Here’s what makes you so great.
At work:
1. You’re there to work.
You know you’re not being paid to stand around chatting. Yep, you do have an opinion on My Kitchen Rules, and it’s a good one, but that can wait till after work when you’re at the pub.
Related: What does your handwriting reveal about your personality?
2. You get the job done, even if it means staying back late.
That’s because you take pride in what you do. And, to be honest, you get a lot of satisfaction from it.
Just as an FYI, this post is sponsored by Navy Submariner. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.
3. You always say yes to extra work.
Sure, it means you’re doing a bit more than everybody else, but you know that if you do it, it’s going to be done right. Your boss knows that too. (Bosses love you, by the way).
Related: 13 simple questions will tell you if you’re a Type A or Type B personality.
At home:
1. You make sure the place is clean.
Who wants to have a shower in a grotty bathroom or wake up to a huge stack of dirty dishes in the morning? You don’t understand people who want to spend the whole weekend slobbing on the couch, anyway. You’d rather be doing something than doing nothing.