
Meet the two women kicking arse in the craft beer industry.

Two Birds Brewing is run, quite literally, by two ‘birds’.

Danielle Allen and Jayne Lewis brought Two Birds Brewing, Australia’s first female-owned and operated brewery, to life in 2011, after the Aussie pair travelled to the United States together.

While travelling, the pair had an epiphany…

Between Lewis’ background in viticulture (grape cultivation) and Allen’s 10 years of experience in brand development (five of them at Woolworths), they possessed the perfect structural foundation to kick-start a business venture in the alcohol industry.

They chose craft beer. And whether you’re a beer drinker or not, you have to admire their foresight.

Wine more your drink? Listen to Monique Bowley share her hack that’ll turn $5 wine into $50 wine, on Mamamia Out Loud. Post continues after audio.

Since 2011, the craft beer industry in Australia has exploded. Big time. They jumped aboard the train at the perfect time and now they’re miles ahead of the pack.

The pair’s award-winning brewery, based in Melbourne, typifies the blooming Australian beer industry.

“I think taking the volume of beer into consideration, we’ve grown at around 30% year-on-year,” Danielle Allen says in an interview with SmartCompany. “Now we’re producing 1 million litres of beer [each year] — it seems like such a huge feat to get to that point.”


Their brews are fantastically approachable; ideal for both beer-lovers and those who might not traditionally like drinking beer at all. Their most interesting beer?

Well that would have to be ‘Taco beer’…

Two Birds Brewing 'Taco' beer.

No. It's not chunky. It's not beefy or meaty or gimmicky in any way.

Rather, the opposite is true. It's refreshing. Light. And ever-so-subtle. Instead of tasting like a taco itself, this beer is all about the very best flavours of Mexico. Think the zest of fresh lime; the earthiness of crushed coriander seed; the toastiness of a corn chip.

In fact, calling it a beer undersells it significantly. It's a brew you can't truly get a sense of unless you've tried it.

Whatever your feelings about beer as a beverage, one thing is certain.

Danielle Allen and Jayne Lewis are changing a male-dominated industry for the better.

Are you a beer drinker? Have you ever tried one of their brews? Let us know in the comments below...

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