It is one of those ‘truth is stranger (and better) than fiction’ stories.
Samantha Futerman and Anais Bordier have just had it confirmed by DNA testing that they are identical twins.
They were separated at birth, raised in different countries (Futerman in USA and Bordier in France), spoke different languages and only happened to find each other by chance thanks to a viral video on YouTube.
Let’s go back to the beginning. Born in South Korea in 1987, Futerman arrived in New Jersey, USA. Forward about 26 years and she decided to make a YouTube video on how it feels to be adopted. “I was born in Korea and four months later I arrived at JFK airport, where apparently all babies don’t come from…and I met my family for the first time,” she said.
Once posted on the internet, Futerman didn’t think much more about her video. Meanwhile her twin sister, Anais Bordier, who was living in London at the time, watched the clip and couldn’t help but notice the similarities between their faces. She noted that both of them were adopted, born in the same country and born on the same day. Bordier decided it was all too much of a coincidence so decided to contact Futerman via Facebook.
After a few back and forth messages and Skype chats, the pair decided there were too many similarities to ignore. They decided to meet in London. And then LA. And then NYC. And ultimately decided to get a blood test to confirm what they already knew.
While the twins haven’t been able to track down their parents, they are incredibly happy to have found each other. They are now making a documentary of their incredible discovery with the help of an online crowd-funding site Kickstarter. So far, they have raised $75,000 from their $80,000 goal.