Parents of young children face many well-documented challenges.
Namely, the never-ending chatter of the little person who shadows you around the house, asking, “Why Mum? How come? Why not?” Their stories are sweet, but detailed, long-winded and never… seem to… get to the point.
But fast forward a few years and parents find themselves needing to be strategic just to get their child to speak to them at all, using tactics such as the daily car trip window of opportunity. Because whether it’s the lack of distractions, the space, or the convenience of all-in-one captivity, I’ve found that cars are a great place to draw out a conversation with older kids.
Because in those few years since your child told you every thought that passed through their mind, something has happened. It starts with an unsuspecting eye-roll. A shrug of the shoulders. A request to stay home from the grocery shopping. It is confirmed by the presence of Taylor Swift or knowing what 5SOS is. You have a tween among you. And life with a tween presents a whole new set of challenges.
However, unlike the parents of little ones who have access to tons of parenting-help books, cooing aunties and opinionated in-laws, unsuspecting parents of tweens have nothing specific to arm themselves with – no app to translate the wild mood swings, no set of rules for the hyper-dramatic, all-consuming 1D universe they have just entered.
Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Nissan Pathfinder. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.
Here’s the top five reasons why the tween years are actually the hardest.