real life

Hero, Shocker and Whinger of the Week.


Welcome to Mamamia Rogue’s Shocker, Hero and Whinger of the Week.

You guys know the deal, but if not here’s a bit of a refresher: Each week, we pick the biggest Shocker, Hero and Whinger from the last seven days. Hero is whoever won the week by being flat out amazing. Shocker is whatever moment or person left our jaws on the floor. And whinger? Well, that’s pretty much just someone who has had a major sooky-la-la moment.

So, let’s do this.


Hero of the week goes to…

The people who invented the burger that comes with a bun made out of FRIED MAC AND CHEESE. No further explanation needed:



Shocker of the Week goes to…

The guy who fell off the treadmill while checking out a girl at the gym. He covers it nicely with that push-up move though…


Whinger of the Week goes to…

Anyone who doesn’t appreciate the epic tale of friendship between these two turtles. Just like when a friend is drunk and can’t get up, this guy is not going to leave his tutle buddy behind:


Who was your Hero, Shocker and Whinger of the week?







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Rogue is Mamamia’s space for fun, viral and random content, with everything from feminism to pop culture. We scour the internet so you don’t have to, and bring all the best bits back.



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