
EXCLUSIVE: Turia Pitt finally shares the meaning of her baby boy's unique name.

Turia Pitt is an interesting woman. Despite having had an extraordinary life – listing model, mining engineer, ultramarathon competitor, and wildfire survivor amongst her most notable achievements – she still manages to be easily relatable. And motherhood has made her even more so.

On December 7, 2017, Turia and her fiancée Michael Hoskin welcomed a son, Hakavai Hoskin. Pitt enjoyed a healthy pregnancy, endured a 13-hour labour, and is now a mum to a 3-month-old – and she’s been refreshingly honest about it all. Her Instagram has been regularly updated with hilarious, touching, and perfectly honest photos and commentary about her motherhood journey – endearing Australian women, especially mums, to her more than ever.

Pitt has shared a great photo and witty caption on everything from her due date to storing breast milk, to her and Michael’s first attempt at a parental date night, proving that there’s nothing this unstoppable woman could face to lose her sense of humour.


Ahead of her first major public appearance to launch the new Westfield Women in Conversation event series since giving birth, Turia spoke to Mamamia about her first three months of motherhood, and what she wants to achieve next. Here is what she had to say:

MM: You’re described as an athlete, mining engineer, humanitarian, author and motivational speaker – and now you can add mum to that. How does that feel?

TP: Amazing! I’m loving being a Mum.

MM: Hakavai is a beautiful name. What inspired you to give your son that name?

TP: Hakavai means ‘Dance of the Water’ in Tahitian.


MM: Do you feel like it’s a miracle that he’s here? Can you get enough of that new baby smell?

TP: Haha, no. He makes me stoked that I’m still alive and I’m still here – but I don’t think it’s a miracle. 350,000 babies are born a day, so Hakavai is just another one in the mix (sorry Hak!). Having said this, because he’s our baby, each milestone he reaches does result in a lot of cooing and cuddles.

MM: You’ve spoken about how little things we take for granted, such as doing up a necklace, have presented challenges for you in the past. What have you found most challenging in terms of caring for Hakavai?

TP: I think this is a pretty common one for most new mums, but I’m just trying not to get too far ahead of myself. It’s easy to get stressed and overwhelmed when your baby is crying or not sleeping, and get in that loop of “Oh, if he doesn’t sleep now, then he won’t sleep later, and then I won’t sleep well tonight, which will make tomorrow stressful” but that doesn’t help anyone. I’m trying to stay in the present moment and enjoy all of it.


MM: What did you find the most challenging thing about being pregnant?

TP: Not being able to lie down on my surfboard. Not being able to fit into any of my clothes and wearing the same pair of overalls for months. And also I was very tired. But if they’re the only complaints I had, I had it pretty easy.


MM: Your latest book Mindset Magic, is all about getting the right mentality for winning at life. How has that helped you with a newborn?

TP: Mindset is everything. Maybe it’s a bit lame to admit, but I’m finding myself using the strategies inside Mindset Magic all the time. Especially the tips I share about changing your perspective – simple switches that make a big impact on how you feel. I’ve actually had heaps of people contact me and say it’s helped them as parents too, which is so epic.

MM: You’re working with the Westfield Women in Conversation Series to bring your story to more women. What are your hopes other mums will gain when you share your story and your experiences?

TP: I think it’s really important to have a strong support group around you, and part of building that is being open and honest with others. You know, no one achieves anything alone! Being part of the Westfield Women in Conversation series offers a chance for me to share my story with other mums, which I’m really excited about.

MM: What’s your one top tip for other mums?

TP: I know it can be hard to do, but I also really encourage new mums to try and make time for something they enjoy, every day, or as close to that as possible. Even if it’s only for a few minutes, it’s important to prioritise yourself.

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