Something very special is happening in Tunisia…
The past three years have seen a radical transformation of smallest country in North Africa. These changes culminated in the ratification of the country’s new constitution just last month.
Now for us in the west, who assume democratic rights as an ordinary and obvious part of our everyday lives, this might not sound all that significant. But for the people of Tunisia, a quiet revolution has taken place and one which is giving many international commentators great cause for optimism.
All citizens, male and female alike, have equal rights and duties, and are equal before the law without any discrimination. The state guarantees to citizens, male and female, individual and collective rights, and provides them with conditions for a dignified life.
These beautiful words make up article 20 of Tunisia’s new Constitution. They also fly in the face of every muslim stereotype you’ve ever heard. Because sadly, the actions of some arab governments have led to a prevailing global understanding that Islam and democracy must be somehow incompatible; an understanding which is completely untrue.
Tunisia has recovered from the political unrest of the Arab Spring, emerging as a fledgling democracy with – what appears to be – the necessary political will to succeed. The National Constituent Assembly spent nearly two years creating and then debating their new Constitution; with a month devoted solely to debating and analysing each and every article. (If you like you can read the whole thing, translated into English here).
The result is a document of which most democratically minded people would rightly be proud and of which many nations in the western would could aspire to. As you have read, Tunisia’s new constitution is document that enshrines equality between men and women, as a fundamental human right. Something that many would assume couldn’t be possible under the governance of an Islamic state.