
Big Brother star Tully Smyth shares her secrets of making money on Instagram.

It’s no secret that social media can be a substantial money earner for savvy celebs. But few are prepared to reveal how it all works. Until now.

This afternoon, former Big Brother contestant Tully Smyth gave her 235,000 Instagram followers an insight into the business of being famous in 2016.

“Let’s get real for a second here,” she began. “Let’s break down that fourth wall.”

Video via Amber Renae

The former social media strategist wrote of how she has managed to leverage the medium to “stay relevant”, which in turn has lead to daily requests for coverage from business and brands around the country.

“Some of the people that get in touch want to hire me to be the face of their campaigns or products, or commission me to write a blog,” she wrote, “Others simply want a paid post on one of my social media platforms, usually Instagram.”

“This is the life of an ‘influencer’ in 2016 and it’s an area the PR, marketing and advertising industries are continuing to explore.”

But it's not all take, take, take - especially when it comes to fledgling businesses. For Smyth it's a case of 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours'.


"Now, whilst it's within my best interest to say 'thanks but no thanks'...(after all, this is one of MY sources of income and it's important to remember I am a brand myself)... I sometimes bend the rules a tad and do favours for the little guys (Much to the frustration of my agency, sorry guys!)"

One of those little guys was an at-home massage business, which Smyth said she agreed to in exchange for an Insta shout out.


"Not only was the massage itself amazing and professional (seriously, I feel so limber and relaxed) but Caitlin had arranged for this flower bouquet to be delivered after she had left...simply as a thank you.

"This kind of stuff is what makes my day...and if Caitlin gets even ONE more paying customer from my post then it was a winner of a day for the both of us."


Let's get real for a second here. Let's break down that forth wall. I'm very lucky. I get emails, Instagram DM's, Tweets etc every day from brands and businesses wanting to work with me. 3 years after Big Brother and I've obviously been able to use my background as a social media strategist to keep myself relevant...at least in the social media space. Some of the people that get in touch want to hire me to be the face of their campaigns or products, or commission me to write a blog...others simply want a paid post on one of my social media platforms, usually Instagram. This is the life of an "influencer" in 2016 and it's an area the PR, marketing and advertising industries are continuing to explore. Often however, smaller start-up companies or new businesses don't have the budget for a paid post. Now, whilst it's within my best interest to say "thanks but no thanks"...(after all, this is one of MY sources of income and it's important to remember I am a brand myself)... I sometimes bend the rules a tad and do favours for the little guys. (Much to the frustration of my agency, sorry guys!) Today, I agreed to a in-home massage with @inbalance.mobilemassage in return for a shout out on my Instagram. Not only was the massage itself amazing and professional (seriously, I feel so limber and relaxed) but Caitlin had arranged for this flower bouquet to be delivered after she had left...simply as a thank you. This kind of stuff is what makes my day...and if Caitlin gets even ONE more paying customer from my post then it was a winner of a day for the both of us. Thanks Caitlin! ????☺️ #PayItForward A photo posted by Tully Smyth (@tee_smyth) on Jul 3, 2016 at 10:47pm PDT

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