
Employee goes utterly rogue on last day of job, deactivates Trump's Twitter account.

President Trump’s Twitter account has been taken down by a rogue employee on their last day of employment, remaining offline for 11 minutes.

Twitter has confirmed the cause of the outage and says a review is ongoing.

Listen: Mia Freedman and The Chaser’s Chas Liciardello deep dive on Robert Mueller’s indictments, and what they mean for the orange fella himself. Post continues after audio. 

Trump’s account, which has 41 million followers, was down at about 3.50 pm on Thursday, and returned by 4 pm.

The message that surfaced on Trump’s account, however, wasn’t the one that typically surfaces when an account is suspended for a terms of services violation.

Twitter initially said that the take-down was caused by “human error.”

The President had recently drawn ire for his tweets about the Manhattan terror attack. He tweeted on Wednesday that Sayfullo Saipov, the man charged with two terrorism counts in the shooting, “should get the death penalty.”

Experts have told NBC News that his tweets could make it harder for prosecutors in the case against Saipov.

In the past, campaigns have been launched for Twitter to take action against Trump’s account for apparently violating its rules.

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