
It's over. Donald Trump has been acquitted of all charges in his impeachment trial.

President Donald Trump has been acquitted by the United States Senate following two votes on his impeachment.

The acquittal brings an end to Trump’s impeachment trial and he will remain in office.

A majority of Senators found Trump not guilty of obstructing Congress as charged and voted 53-47 to acquit him.

Earlier, senators voted 52 to 48 to acquit Trump on an abuse of powers charge, with Republican Mitt Romney breaking rank to vote in favour of conviction.

Romney called Trump’s actions “perhaps the most abusive and destructive violation of oath of office that I can imagine”

Democrats will now need to wait until November’s Presidential election to try and end Trump’s presidency.

The outcome capped nearly five months of impeachment proceedings launched in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House of Representatives, ending in Mitch McConnell’s Senate, and reflective of the nation’s unrelenting partisan divide three years into the Trump presidency.

No president has ever been removed by the Senate, and this was only the third presidential impeachment trial in American History.

With chief justice John Roberts presiding, senators swore to do “impartial justice”, stand at their desk for the roll call and state their votes – “guilty” or “not guilty.”


-With AAP.

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