
Women are eating McDonald's fries to get pregnant and... we're sorry, what?

We know trying for a baby can become a crazy time when you’re willing to give just about anything a go to get pregnant.

Still, we were more than a little surprised by the results of a recent UK survey which found some women have tried some, ahem, unusual tactics to up their chances of conceiving.

The most bizarre? Munching on McDonald’s fries.

Yep, three per cent of the 1500 women surveyed by parenting website ChannelMum said they’ve been eating Maccas fries after sex to increase their chances of falling pregnant.

"Works for me!" (Image via Getty.)

That's 45 people who think eating a salty, fatty - and oddly specific - snack will help you have a bub. No judgement. (Okay maybe a tiny bit of judgement.) We're sure out there somewhere is a reasonable-sounding (but totally unscientific) reason for why this method might work... maybe?

And that's not the only iffy-sounding tip women say works for them.


A whopping 37 per cent of surveyed people said eating dark chocolate every day helps improve chances of getting up the duff, while 32 per cent claimed eating pineapple or drinking its juice does the trick.

Meanwhile, 58 per cent - meaning many of these women tried multiple methods - said putting their legs in the air and moving them about for a few minutes after sex works.

The ChannelMum survey results, reported by The Sun, also showed women had tried wearing socks during sex, staying sober, using reverse-psychology (telling yourself you don't want a baby), avoiding having an orgasm for at least a week after sex, wearing green, men wearing freezing cold underwear and sleeping in darkness after turning off phones and the WiFi.

Listen: Bec Judd was unexpectedly preggers the first time around. (Post continues.)

Sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but we're putting the majority of this advice firmly in the old wives' tale basket, along with eating crusts to make your hair curly.

The only trick we could find any well-documented, scientific evidence for was reducing your alcohol intake.

Dr Georgiana Tang, medical director at City Fertility Centre Sydney, said, however, couples can make lifestyle changes to boost their fertility to a point.

"There are a number of lifestyle changes that you can implement to maximise your chances of conception and give your baby the best start in life," she said.

"Both partners should ensure they are maintaining a healthy weight by exercising and eating well.

"Stress levels should be kept low, caffeine and alcohol intake limited and the recommended pre-pregnancy vitamin supplements taken."

And if you're having trouble conceiving, keep in mind that it can take months for fertile couples to conceive naturally, with 80 per cent of them falling pregnant within a year.

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