
'I organise group holidays for women. But men have a big problem with it.'

"Where are your group trips for men? You're discriminating against dads." 

The man added the hashtags #sexist and #discrimination to his comment to further his point.  

"Here we go again," I thought. 

I'd just posted about a new women-only group trip I was organising to Vietnam and another man had decided to focus his effort on arguing about why I wasn't also organising group trips for men. 

I explained my trips were for women only, so they can feel safe travelling overseas in a supportive group, make new friends and have fun together. 

I reiterated I was a woman, and therefore I ran trips for women. 

I also suggested that if there was a gap in the market, then maybe he could fill it. 

Watch: Horoscopes at the Airport. Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia.

"I'm not responsible for running trips for men," I told him. "Plus, I don't want to."

The conversation rapidly descended into the usual boring insults men save for us when we are not quiet. You know the ones: single, fat, unable to get a man.

When a friend responded to support me, he tracked down her personal and business addresses, letting her know he knew where she worked and asking to meet her. He stupidly used his work email, and she found he ran his own business. 


We were astounded and kindly told him to rack off. 

It might seem weird that posts about women's group trips would generate this kind of attention, but sadly, it's not unusual. 

Some of the things I've heard over the years include:

"Where are your trips for men?"

"You're discriminating against men."

"Have fun on your holidays for women, because you'll never get a man."

And what's even stranger is that after making these comments, they still expect me to organise trips for them, too. Sigh.

Mumpack Trip in Vietnam. Image: Supplied. 


Don't get me wrong — there are many awesome men in this world and many of the women who join my trips are encouraged and supported by their husbands and partners to take a life-changing holiday and enjoy time for themselves. This makes the trip even sweeter. 

I guess those men are confident enough in themselves that they don't feel the need to take these experiences from us or demand I provide the same for them. 

And the thing is, I'm not thinking about men for even a millisecond when I organise my women's trips. 

Image: Supplied.


I'm thinking about how I can create amazing holidays in a fun, non-threatening, supportive environment where we feel safe and can just relax. And every single one of my guests has begged me to never change this. 

Unfortunately, there's just not the same vibe when men are included.

But many men are just so offended, and their comments make me wonder, why are they so afraid of women having something for ourselves? 

Are some men so against us that they will publicly bully us for creating safe experiences for women?

Historically, women have been excluded from male spaces, and it's interesting that when the tables are turned, the indignant, offended reaction of many men is rapid.

Just look at the recent Ladies Lounge exhibition at MONA, Tasmania's Museum of Old and New Art. 

A man who was refused entry to the Ladies Lounge lodged a complaint with the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal which found the lounge discriminated against men. 

The exhibit now must allow entrance to men, nullifying its aim to provide a safe space for women (but perhaps opening the doors for women to take the same action against male-only spaces, if we could be bothered). 

Mumpack Trip. Image: Supplied.


It's exhausting. 

I'm not sure of the solution for me (apart from continuing to delete and block) — or us — but I know we all have to continue to seek and create safe spaces for women. 

But as I told that (not so) delightful man, there's a business opportunity out there for someone to run group trips for men. And I'm sure whoever starts it up will be met with support and goodwill from women — because that's what we do. 

Evie travelled full time for years with her daughter and now runs group trips for women and family trips for mums and kids. Find her at @mumpacktravel

Feature Image: Supplied. 

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