
A product review from one of our mums.

Welcome to a new post where we ask The Glow mums – yep, our very own mothers – to review some products. As we’re all too aware, Mum knows best (just ask yours).

Fist up, we have iVillage site producer Sarah Norton‘s mum Sue, who gave the Transformulas range a whirl.

Sue says…

“I have been wanting to decrease the wrinkles and age lines around my face, particularly around my eyes and decided to give an advanced cream treatment a try. I found it very easy to apply and immediately started to feel improvements in my skin,” she says.

Before (left) and after (right)


"My skin, particularly around my eyes started to feel firmer and I noticed the disappearance of the puffiness around my eyes and reduced fine lines. I noticed a lift and a glow across my whole face after just one application."

Sue, the next morning.


Final word to Sue: "I will certainly be continuing to use the products to smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles because it allows me to look younger. My friend asked me if I'd had some work done and I just smiled."


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