
Parents reveal the traits they really wish their children hadn't inherited.

There are some things we inherit from our parents that make our lives easier. And then there are some that leave us… constantly waxing.

A group of parents has come together to share the traits they wished their children hadn’t inherited.

The at times sweet but often unusual characteristics were traded on anonymous forum Reddit after one user asked, “What is a trait your child has that came from you or your SO that you really wish they hadn’t inherited?


Much Rest Needed

“My nine-month-old inherited his Dad’s sleep issues. Mainly that he doesn’t. I am very tired.”

A Little Trim

“This is a bad one from me. I have a beautiful little 10 year old daughter in every way. Very smart, funny, and nice looking girl. Unfortunately, every couple of weeks she has to cut nose hairs which are growing too long. I guess I got to take the blame for this one…”

The Real Life Grudge

“My daughter inherited my wife’s ability to hold a grudge. If you are rude to her, she will hate you for eternity and think about how much she hates you even years later.”

Daddy’s Girl

“My daughter is two and I’m 90 per cent certain she has my face only with her dad’s unfortunate hook nose. I think it’s attractive. But apparently his nose got his ass beat at school on his 13th birthday and everyone called him a bird.”


It’s All About The Attitude

“I am a smartass just like my father. For the longest time, I’d never give a serious answer to a question right away. I have gotten better about this, but the attitude used to get me in so much trouble.”

Light Sleepers

“My daughter has inherited my snoring. There hasn’t been a field trip with school or any sleep over with friends where this wasn’t an issue for me.”


The Sight Of Sore Eyes

“At 45 I still have 20/20 vision. My ex-wife had been in thick glasses since I met her 20 years ago. Both of our kids got her crappy eyesight.”

Daring Devils

“My younger two are daredevils. I was the same way when I was a kid so i get it, but they are going to get themselves killed one of these days”

Need to get a few parenting stresses off your chest? Us too. Post continues after podcast.

The Food Inspector

“She is a picky eater that has to inspect her food… learned it from my husband.”

A Lot of Lotion

“My daughter has eczema. She’s only eight months and it’s already showing itself. Hope she enjoys a lifetime of cracked fingers and expensive lotion. (Sorry, kid.)”

An Inherited Earful

“When my son was born I noticed that his ears stuck out quite a bit. Not ridiculously, but enough that I wondered where that trait came from. My ears don’t do that at all, and neither did my ex-husband’s. One day I mentioned it to him, and half-joked whether the mailman had ears that stuck out like that. Turns out, his ears used to stick out quite far, and at a young age his mother got them “pinned back” via cosmetic surgery.”

Check out some of our favourite celebrity fathers. Post continues after gallery.

A Hairy Leg Up

“I’m not positive yet… but I think my son is going to be as hairy as his father. Only two years old and has a HUGE mop of hair on his head (its adorable right now), and I can already feel leg hair on him.”

Determined To Be Difficult

“She has her father’s need to be right all the time coupled with my determination. She’s four and usually wrong. She’ll argue things to the ground.”

A Problem Loud And Clear

“My oldest son has his dad’s loud ass voice. I’m trying to teach him to use a normal voice, but it’s been an uphill battle.”

Feature image via Incendies film/Micro-Scope Productions.

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