
The brilliant Christmas present Tracey Spicer is enforcing in her household.

Ask any child what they want for Christmas and they’ll probably reel off a long list of toys, clothes and items of technology they’re hoping to find under the tree.

Tracey Spicer‘s children are no different, with a rather ambitious gift topping her son Taj’s list.

“‘I want a Bentley!’ says my 10-year-old Taj. We’d tried to teach the kids to appreciate the little things in life. Then, we went to Beverley Hills – to visit friends – and wandered around the Beverely Hills Wilshire hotel, its car park gleaming with expensive metal,” she wrote in Sunday Life.

But forget scented candles, scarves or even expensive jewellery for Spicer herself – there’s just one thing she wants from her kids this year and frankly, it’s brilliant. (Watch: Fellow journalist Ben Fordham talks about being a dad. Post continues after video.)

“I can’t bear this obsession with material things, especially at Christmas, so I’ve told the kids that all I want is a letter: What I Love About Our Family. Hopefully, they’ll learn the true meaning of pointless. F… the Bentley!”,” she said.


At a time when we can feel inundated with the countless items we’re expected to buy for people, it’s not only a timely reality check but a welcome sentiment.

While some in the Spicer household may be disappointed when they fail to open up a new set of wheels (maybe next year, Taj…), Spicer’s gift is one that gives to many. (Post continues after gallery.)

In writing the letter, she’s teaching her children that there’s something much more important in a time that’s so focused and measured on material things.

In receiving the letter, Spicer will get the ultimate gift and treasure – a warm and fuzzy feeling of love and appreciation as well as a written record of her children’s feelings about their family that will last well beyond the chaos of Christmas.

Along with an afternoon of peace and quiet, children who tidy up after themselves and maybe the odd back massage, we bet this is one gift all parents would love to receive.

What do you think of Spicer’s gift request?

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