
News in 5: Family mourn murder victim while killer roams; All children coming off Nauru; NSW Nats members quit amid Nazi probe.

-With AAP

1. Family and friends remember “beautiful” Toyah Cordingley.

The family of Toyah Cordingley are preparing to farewell the “bright” and “beautiful” young woman at a memorial on Friday, while police still search for her killer.

The 24-year-old’s body was found by her father the morning after she failed to return from taking her dog for a walk on a secluded beach north of Cairns on Sunday, October 21.

Speaking to A Current Affair, close family friend David ‘Prong’ Trimble said animal-lover Toyah was a “one-off” who everybody knew.

“She was so friendly, so bright and beautiful.”

The entire community has been impacted by the brutal crime, he said.

“It has really devastated the community here and saddened a lot of people but when you flip the coin there’s anger there, the way we figure is, it shouldn’t have happened in our own back yard.”

Trimble said he had known Toyah for most of her life and would frequently see her with her dog at the beach.

He said her family was really struggling following her death.

“I went to see them there the other day and it’s a bit like walking into hell.”

Trimble is leading a community search of Wangetti beach this Sunday, where they will search the beach hoping to find anything police may have missed.

“If we do that little bit we will feel better and say we have done something for Toyah and her family,” he said.


In June, Cordingley shared a poignant screenshot of a tweet on her Facebook page.

It read: “I can only imagine the rage and fear women feel to see women die doing everyday mundane things like walking home … only to then be told it’s their fault and that they need to be more careful. Stop Blaming Women. Make Men The Issue”.

Police have received more than 600 calls to Crime Stoppers about the case and have not revealed any suspects.

Police are keen to speak with a family who were at the southern carpark of the beach on the Sunday.

2. All children off Nauru by year end: paper.


The federal government plans to relocate all children of asylum seekers on Nauru to Australia by the end of the year, according to a The Australian newspaper.

As of Monday, there were 40 children of asylum seekers remaining on the island, and an unofficial timeline has been set to have them moved to Australia by the end of 2018, The Australian reports.

A total of 46 infants have been born to asylum seekers since Nauru was reopened for processing in 2012 and in the past several years, 244 minors have been taken to Australia from offshore detention centres.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has confirmed the government has been “quietly” removing children from Nauru “in accordance with our policies”.

Of the children who have been removed from the Pacific nation over the past few days, 13 have been hospitalised in capital cities across Australia, News Corp reports.

Refugee Action Coalition spokesman Ian Rintoul on Wednesday said there are 38 children in detention on Nauru, after covert removals of asylum seeker families to capital cities across Australia.

3. Red tape and anti-adoption culture persists, says adoption campaigner.

Behind every foster care statistic is a child who may be crying themselves to sleep at night because they don’t know where they’re going next, says adoption campaigner Renee Carter.


A stadium full of children – almost 50,000 – live in out-of-home care arrangements across Australia, many for two years or more.

A new campaign has been launched on Thursday in a bid to encourage Australians to advocate for adoption and out-of-home care reform.

Ms Carter, the chief executive of Adopt Change, says not every child in out-of-home care should be adopted but they do need a system that provides more security.

On average, children will remain within the home care system for 12 years, with 40 per cent experiencing between two and 10 placements and some relocating up to 70 times.

“Instability is really damaging for children,” she told AAP.

A third of children become homeless in the first year they exit the foster care system, with many suffering mental health problems and addictions, she said.

Despite current practices, Ms Carter said a narrative of forced adoptions in Australia remains.

“Because of past practices, where there was absolute unforgivable damage done with forced adoptions and a lot of secrecy,” she said.

“What we’re doing now is something quite different.”

Adopt Change founder and actress Deborra-lee Furness, who has two adopted children with husband Hugh Jackman, says Australian bureaucracy is the biggest obstacle to change, along with an anti-adoption culture.

“Every minute counts in these children’s lives,” she told AAP.


“I hope to see a reinvigorated community inspired to find solutions for vulnerable children.”

The actress has urged the public to tell politicians why action matters and join in the November campaign.

Ms Carter said the campaign was named “A Home for Every Child”, partly because it was important to recognise adoption was not the only answer.

Where possible, children should be with their families of origin or kin but if it’s known that will not be possible, then permanent care should be the next step, she said.

Permanency care orders, or guardianship, is another option offered by many states but its take up is hindered by “red tape”, Ms Carter said.

Unlike adoption, which is lifelong, in guardianship arrangements, the parental rights of the carer end when the child turns 18 and if the carer dies, the child goes back into the system. Additionally, the child doesn’t legally inherit from their adoptive parents.

“We’re still pushing to make sure permanency is a priority” she said.

Progress has been slow in Australia but signs of improvement are emerging, such as an increase in adoptions last year to 315 (both domestic and inter-country).

In August, a bipartisan group of MPs formed the Parliamentary Friends of Adoption to work alongside Adopt Change.

In NSW, new laws were introduced into parliament last week to streamline the adoption process and ensure children do not spend longer than two years in foster care.


4. Police appealing for information about missing Townsville teen.

Police are continuing to appeal for public assistance to locate a 15-year-old girl reported missing in Townsville, Queensland.

The girl was last seen on October 19 at around 5.45pm, when she left an address on Hayman Avenue in Cranbrook and has not been heard from since.

She has a medical condition and police and family hold concerns for her welfare.


The girl is described by police as Caucasian, around 155cm tall with a slim build, blonde hair and blue eyes.

She was last seen wearing denim shorts, a black high-neck singlet with white writing on the front and black Nike runners. She was carrying a black leather backpack with gold chain straps.

Police are appealing for anyone who may have seen the girl or who knows her whereabouts to come forward.

5. NSW Nationals members quit amid Nazi probe.


A group of Nationals members have quit the party amid an investigation into their alleged connection to alt-right, neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups.

A member of the Young Nationals executive sent a lengthy letter to the party on Wednesday, accusing them of trial by media and leaking private information.

The man, who was implicated in revelations about an alt-right infiltration of the party earlier this month, said he and about 15 others currently under investigation would tender their resignations.

“I have not been given the right of reply or a chance to explain. This is very much a Kafkaesque situation right out of The Trial,” the man said.

AAP understands the former member attached another document to his letter containing a list of the 15 members who also tendered their resignations.

The man denied he and his colleagues had been making a known white-supremacist hand-gesture, instead suggesting it could be interpreted “as declaring a point or saying ‘bon appetite'”.

He also launched a scathing attack on the coalition for its current immigration intake, saying “opening Australia to mass Third World immigration is not ‘moderate’. It’s extremist.”

AAP understands the Nationals ethics committee will meet on Thursday to further investigate the remaining members of the party caught up in the saga.

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