Amazing part time jobs for professionals who want to achieve a better work-life balance “do exist” and two women are building a network of Australia’s best roles to prove it.
University friends, Victoria Stuart and Stephanie Reuss, have launched online marketplace Beam, which links talent to fully flexible part time roles.
“We think there’s an appetite particularly from small and medium size businesses to employ people on a part time basis,” says Reuss.
“They just want the best people in their business and they are willing to exchange flexibility for that talent.”
The pair have sourced professional jobs capped to four days a week, during school hours, along with businesses that truly value part time talent.
"Everyone on the talent side is vetted for a minimum of seven years’ professional experience and that they meet the corporate standard," says Stuart.
"The employers are also vetted to ensure that they understand that these are flexible part time roles and that they are offering career-worthy roles and then in addition to that, they are a wonderful company that have a great work ethic and ethos as well."
The co-founders were inspired to create a forum for flexible working after years of "blood, sweat and tears" building their managerial careers and facing their own struggles.
Listen - Meshel Laurie: How I do it is pay other women to help me. (Post continues after audio.)