
The best of the best. Here are Mamamia's top 10 stories from 2018.


2018 was a big year, and now that we’re working our way through its final week, it’s time to take a breather and take a look at the year that was.

Domestically, while Aussies witnessed yet another political spill (hi Scott Morrison), it was also the year of the cricket ball tampering scandal and the miraculous rescue of the Thai cave boys.

However, as we shuffled through countless stories and articles, these were the top 10 Mamamia articles that really made you stop and laugh, cry, rage, ponder, and most importantly, care.

From the conversation around domestic violence we desperately need to be having, to the family phone hack you should implement ASAP and what Meghan Markle’s wedding makeup means for your choice in foundation, these were our most read stories in 2018.

Read on for a walk down memory lane.

1. If you think ball-tampering is our national sporting shame, you haven’t met Matt Lodge.

When the careers of Steve Smith, Cameron Bancroft and David Warner were forever changed by their involvement in the Australian cricket team’s ball tampering scandal, there was another side of the conversation we needed to have. It involved a particular NRL player by the name of Matt Lodge.

“As the new football season begins, the NRL boasts four players who have been charged with domestic violence,” writes Mamamia’s Head of Content, Holly Wainwright in what was our most highly read article of 2018.

“And that number doesn’t even include Matthew Lodge, the Brisbane Broncos player who is expected to be a star for the Queensland team this season despite an ongoing dispute over $1.6 million in damages he owes an American couple for beating and terrorising them – and their nine-year-old son – during a home invasion in 2015.”

As a nation we care about sporting stories, we're just selective about which ones we give our attention to. Image: Getty.

2. "We use the 'X-plan' in our family. The lifeline that our kids are free to use at any time."

"I get to spend an hour each week with a group of young people going through addiction recovery.


Recently I asked these kids a simple question:  'How many of you have found yourself in situations where things started happening that you weren’t comfortable with, but you stuck around, mainly because you felt like you didn’t have a way out?'

They all raised their hands.

For these reasons, we now have something called the 'X-plan' in our family. This simple, but powerful tool is a lifeline that our kids are free to use at any time. Here’s how it works."

It's so simple. Image supplied.

3. How Barry Hall’s “inappropriate” and vile on-air comment resulted in his immediate sacking.

When former St Kilda player ex- Sydney player Barry Hall went on live radio to fill for Chris Judd on Triple M's The Footy Show on June 30, he probably didn't know he was hours away from being fired.

But a vulgar on-air comment about the impending birth of co-commentator Leigh Montagna’s child earned him an immediate sacking and caused an uproar on social media.


barry hall Damian Barrett
They were the words that angered a nation. Image: Getty.

4. ‘My body went cold.’ The full story of how the Thai soccer team got trapped in a cave.

The rescue of the Thai cave soccer team was easily the most captivating story of 2018.

Almost the entire world was gripped by the bravery and dedication of the emergency services who rescued the 12 boys who had been trapped inside a flooded cave for 17 days. In order to bring them to safety, each boy underwent an eight-hour extraction process which at one point meant they had to be pushed through a hole that was a mere 38cm in diameter - which was just large enough to accommodate their heads.


We recap the entire ordeal from start to finish here.

This is what happened in the aftermath of the Thai Caves rescue:

Video by MMC

5. The 'Nicole' friendship theory might just be the truest thing we've ever heard.

"Every female friendship group has a ‘Nicole’. Not literally, of course. They might be named Danielle. Or Nama. Or Ruby. But they’re the Nicole."

While we're calling this a theory, it's actually a fact. See who in your friendship group is the Nicole, because we know you have one.

Nicole friendship theory
The 'Nicole' doesn't have to have the name Nicole per-say, but there's one in every group. Image: Getty.

6. A woman's engagement ring photo has gone viral. And it's for all the wrong reasons.

Oh dear.

This was the classic story of a newly engaged woman who sent out a photo of her ring to her family and friends, but with one important caveat. It also accidentally included a photo of her new fiance's penis.


Viral engagement ring photo
You'll just have to see it for yourself. Image: Twitter

7. The national emergency that's been grievously ignored.

In the span of five days in October six Australian women were ripped from the world within five days. They were the victims of domestic violence.

"Six women who had built families and forged careers and fostered friendships, only for their lives to be cut terrifyingly short," writes Sophie Aubrey.

"These six deaths are part of our shameful epidemic of gendered violence, and yet we are seeing no national outrage, no pledges to act from our leaders, no fiercely-worded statements."

domestic violence in Australia
Gayle Potter and Kristie Powell are the names every Australian should know. Image: Facebook.

8. R.I.P. foundation: What Meghan Markle's wedding makeup means for beauty.

"Eighteen million people in the UK alone watched the royal wedding this past weekend, and it’s estimated that one in six of us tuned in globally, in some capacity," writes Mamamia's Executive Editor, Leigh Campbell.

"That’s over one. billion. people. who watched love conquer all. No pressure on poor Harry and Megs, huh?

"But that’s precisely why Meghan’s beauty look was so refreshing. Almost literally refreshing."

We would also like to look like Meghan Markle please. Image: Getty.

9. This is what your favourite characters from The OC look like now.

"When The OC aired its first episode way back in 2003 it became something of a pop culture phenomenon thanks to luxury sets, salacious story-lines, and good looking cast.

However, the show has now been off air for over a decade and a lot has happened to the cast we all fell in love (or maybe just lust) with since the finale aired in 2007.

Some have gone on to bigger and better things while others have pretty much disappeared."

The OC
Gone but never forgotten. Image: CW Network.

10. The story no one's telling about teachers in Australia.

"As Prince Harry and Meghan Markle greeted the public on the tarmac at Dubbo airport, a small boy caught Prince Harry’s attention.

Five-year-old Luke Vincent was wearing his school uniform, a blue and white checkered hat, and a pair of green goggles. The moment he saw the prince, Luke, with no hesitation, hugged him. He then started to play with Harry’s beard, stroking it while looking back and forth between Harry and the woman holding his hand.

After the encounter, which has gone viral all over the world, Seven News spoke to the woman who was crouched down behind Luke, holding his hand as he casually stroked Prince Harry’s beard."


This is her story.

Prince Harry meets Luke Vincent in Dubbo. Image: Getty.

What story do you think deserves a spot on this list? What were your most memorable moments of 2018. Tell us in a comment below.

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