
The top 5 kick ass heroines from Disney movies.

The days of damsels in distress are over. Modern princesses are not just handling their problems but those of the handsome prince too. Whether it be through emotional, physical or spiritual strength, these sisters are doing it for themselves.

We’ve picked our top five Disney princesses and placed them below and in the video above.

Merida is the kind of kick-ass lady you'd want to introduce to your daughter. (Source: Disney,)

 1. Merida


Merida is hands down one of the most feminist princesses of all time. She's bitingly fierce, independent, brave and her story revolves around the rare relationship between mother and daughter.

Pocahontas was a trail blazer for the nature narrative. (Source: Disney.)

2. Pocahontas

Pocahontas was wise beyond her years (and her release date). She was philosophical, tough, open-minded and one hell of a bad ass. Forget stereotypical Disney movies and revisit this classic. We can't applaud all her decisions but she did everything in her power to protect those she loved.

(Source: Disney.)

3. Elsa

Elsa didn't need no man to fulfill her life or run her castle. In fact, she spent half the film trying to convince her younger sister not to marry someone she'd just met. Elsa had her issues, but hey, trying not to freeze the entire kingdom would be a draining experience for us too.

Mulan was one of the earliest (and best) onscreen heroines. (Source: Disney.)

4. Mulan

This film is a favourite because it literally revolves around a princess challenging gender roles in an extremely traditional and sometimes hostile culture. Mulan saved the lives of countless men, fought to the death and most importantly, she showed the entire world that princesses can be feminists too.

Jasmine refused to be traded like meat and power to her. (Source: Disney.)

5. Princess Jasmine

Princess Jasmine may not have been as physically strong as other characters in Disney movies, but her intelligence certainly made up for what she was lacking. She wasn’t afraid to speak her mind and she didn’t settle for less than she deserved. Our favourite moment was when she ran away from home to avoid being confined to a life and a man she didn’t love.

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