
The 7 toilet training truths that give every parent nightmares.

Toilet training, just another one of the glamorous (okay maybe I mean gruesome) parts of parenting children. People will try and tell you that children should be trained by a certain age, boast that their child was toilet trained before two or shove some magical manual in your face that will supposedly train them in three days.

But like everything with parenting, there is no rule book that applies to every child because, shock horror, every child is different.

And while you might be one of those lucky bastards whose kid did toilet train at 18 months in three days – most of us are not.

Here is what I’ve discovered on the road to toilet training a toddler…

1. There is no right or wrong age, or way to do it. I’ve had to really rethink the whole idea I had in my head of how and when it was gonna happen. Kids will decide when they’re ready, you cannot force them.

LISTEN: The birth guru who knows how to make labour pain free, and the secret to toilet training. (Post continues…)

2. It takes a lot longer than you expect. I’m convinced anyone who had their kid toilet trained in three days thanks to some magical unicorn holy grail of a e-book means that their kid worked out how to wee in the toilet. Because poo takes a whole lot longer – so stop bragging and pass me a wine.

3. You will up your bribery game ten-fold just to get someone sit on the dunny. “Hey sweetie, mummy will give you a chocolate, a new Barbie and a Lamborghini if you do poo in the potty.”

4. You will sound like a broken record. “Do you need to go toilet?”, “Do you need to do wees?”, “Do you need to go poo?” – EVERY. SINGLE. SECOND


5. You will wash a LOT of little pairs of undies. Some will not even be salvageable and be straight-in-the-bin jobbers!

This is not an unusual sight. (Image via Giphy)

6. You never thought you’d be so excited about someone taking a dump. There is nothing more exciting than a toddler running up and saying “I did poo in toilet”. PRAISE THE LORD LETS THROW A PARTY!!!!

7. You’re not done buying nappies. Because night time is a whole other ball game!

This post was originally published by House Of White. Read the original post here.

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