
Please feel better about your day after reading this toilet training horror story.


Toilet training is… tough.

But it turns out some children need a little more guidance than others.

A few days ago, American mum Andrea Chapman posted her toilet training nightmare to Facebook and Oh. My god.

This is the stuff from… hell.

“Despite our sincerely half-hearted attempts and hopes that he’ll just learn on his own, pooping on the potty remains a mountain that he will not climb,” the mum wrote to Facebook.

“Today when we were diligently leaving our children to their own devices, the littlest spawn felt the urge to poop,” she added.

And oh. Then things become terrifying.

“For reasons yet unknown he stopped the dryer which was full of freshly washed and nearly dried clothes, and pulled out a few crisp garments.”

“He pooped on them. Then, in fulfilment of the evil deeds which were no doubt whispered into his ear by the Lord of Darkness, he put those clothes along with the turds he had released upon them back into the dryer. And pressed ‘tumble’.”




“What happened in those next few minutes was exactly what you are imagining: hot faecal chaos,” she wrote.

Erm. Doing your washing once is a chore, but twice, and covered in faeces… that is a full-time nightmare.

“Maybe your child is being annoying today. Perhaps they had a tantrum, or a bad attitude, or burned your house down. But they likely did not put their poop in your dryer. So, my friends, be glad,” she wrote, and yes… we are so grateful this did not happen to us today.

Please do us all a favour and set those clothes alight.

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