Sunday was interesting.
My husband and I shared a relaxing day together celebrating our anniversary. It was lovely. We did things that we used to do during the first couple of years of our marriage. We ate at a nice restaurant. We watched a movie. We got a massage.
You know – the stuff that parent fantasies are made of.
We collected our bundle of joy from my mother’s place, and we went home with a sense of love and freshness surrounding us. Until the toddler broke us.
You see, we are new to the tantrums. Toddler is 2.5 and in my first-time-mum ignorance, I thought our next-prime-minister-bundle-of-joy was just so emotionally advanced that she skipped right past that stage, and was handling her emotions better than most adults I know.
WRONG! I can hear all the tenured parents laughing at me already.
This tantrum lasted for about 1.5 hours. I pulled out the angry voice, the time out, the consoling voice, the bribery voice and even the meditation voice. They all failed.
Group therapy: Should I let my daughter get her ears pierced?
Come Monday, I devoted my whole work (cough) day to researching dealing with tantrums. I read articles from numerous parenting blogs, websites and so on.
I created a two-page summary of all the important points that I read from all the parenting experts that all seem to have their sh*t together, and an action plan. Emailed the husband, printed it out and stuck it on the fridge like I was preparing myself for a battle.
Monday night, obviously, toddler was brilliant and practically walked herself to bed. Toddler must have sensed my preparedness and retreated, surely.
Tuesday morning, again, toddler was as great as I could ask for. For a while. An hour in to the craziness that is the morning rush, toddler wants to put on her own shoes.