My little girl just leaped into the toddler stage (pass the tissues). She’s no longer a baby that just lies there and finds the white ceiling fascinating. She is her own little person (who I love getting to know, but man, I miss those days when she didn’t move).
Overnight, she’s developed this little unique personality. She finds her own jokes h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s. She shows her approval of things by clapping. She yells at me to look when she thinks she’s doing something cool. She displays a “what the …?” expression when I dance or sing to her.
Thanks kid but just remember, that bad dancer is also the bringer of the food.
To help identify your child’s character quirks, here are a few toddler personalities I’ve noticed from our trips to the playground:
Little independent.
Motto: “I’m a grown-up and can do everything on my own, except maybe make my food, or do number twos on the toilet, or tie my shoelaces. But I’m still a grown-up.”
This little kid is far too eager to grow up. They believe they can do everything the bigger kids in the playground can do and get frustrated when they realise they can’t (or when mum/dad holds them back from nearly killing themselves on the jungle gym). In the future, they will prefer to catch the bus to see a movie with friends than have you drop them off.