
Creative parenting at its best: We take our hats off to Bat Dad.


Introducing (nana-nana-nana-nana-nana-nana-nana-nana) Batdad!

He’s our new parenting superhero. And he does awesome things like this:


If you’re the sort of inquisitive type who likes a bit of backstory to their viral video, here it is. Batdad is actually a guy by the name of Blake Wilson. He’s a father of four (three girls and a boy) and he lives with his wife, Jen.

He bought his Batdad mask in a toy shop one day and made a Vine while he was driving his kids around in their mini van. He thought it was pretty funny and so he made a bunch more, and they continued to grow in popularity.

But Wilson isn’t letting the fame get to his head. He told Mashable:

“I’ve always said my family life comes first. Anything that is presented to us that’s going to disrupt what we have going on is out of the picture.”

“As far as Vine goes, I love the app … I love making Vines, I love watching Vines. As soon as making Vines with my family stops being fun for us, that’s when I’ll take a break.”

What a well-grounded defender of Gotham City. And, just because we couldn’t get enough, here are the rest of Batdad’s videos:

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