
11 women on their most underrated money-saving hacks... that actually work.

Thanks to our brand partner, OnePass

For the first time in my 41-year-old life, I know exactly how much a loaf of bread costs. To. The. Cent. I also know the price of a family block of chocolate, a tin of tuna and a four-pack of mini choc chip muffins. Not only do I know these numbers, it seems I also like to talk about them. Both frequently and with passion. And while I’m not sure how I feel about this recent development of my personality — I also don’t know if I can stop.

You see, two years ago I wouldn’t have a bloody clue how much these individual items cost, nor would the topic be of much interest to me. It didn’t really matter. Why? Because they were half the bloody price they are now, and I didn’t feel like the victim of some ridiculous prank.

Now, I know there are some of you out there who don’t know why me (and literally everyone I know) is making such a fuss about this. Maybe you took an interest in financial literacy at the ripe age of six when you opened your first savings account and diligently deposited $2 a week instead of spending it on 200 fruit balls at the tuckshop like I did. Well, bravo to you, chaps. Really. Well played. Enjoy your fresh fruit and affordable shelter property portfolios.

And for the rest of you out there, read on for some truly underrated, low-effort hacks I’ve collated from other women out there who find themselves unable to afford life.

Turns out we might just be able to have our bread and eat it too.

Alice, 45

"I looked into some of those money-saving services I always see come up in my feed, and my fave, by far, is OnePass. It’s this paid membership program that took me under a minute to sign up for. I joined around a year ago, paying $40 annually and we've saved over $100 within the year because we use it literally all the time.  


"When I looked at my bank account statement last year, I realised that our biggest spends went to groceries first, followed by bits and bobs of other essentials like kids’ clothes, medication, house and yard maintenance stuff. I picked OnePass because their retailers are Kmart, Target, Catch, Bunnings Warehouse, Officeworks and Priceline Pharmacy — basically, all the places I get my necessities. I also get free delivery on eligible items or orders and 365-day change of mind returns. 

"I always find those sorts of paid membership things overwhelming, but OnePass is super straightforward and makes loads of sense if you’re shopping at those places anyway — which we were. Definitely worth it."

Danni, 39

"A mate of mine recommended this hack, and it’s honestly pure genius. I was telling him about how many TV streaming services we’d managed to rack up ($139 a month in case you’re curious), and he shared the 'cycle through' trick. 

"So instead of having all the streaming services, pick one for 3 months. Work your way through that and move onto the next one. The kids kicked up a stink at first, but now they’re onboard. It’s actually easier to watch stuff 'cause we don’t spend hours flicking through the bloody options."

Izzy, 23

"I love a spend-free city day. Art galleries and museums have days' worth of truly incredible stuff. Sure, some exhibitions cost money, but most of the stuff doesn’t. I love staying until night and seeing the sun go down and the city lights come on. It’s pretty magical. And free — which makes it even more magical IMO."


Sarah, 28

"Libraries are the most amazing places. Seriously, when someone tells me they aren’t a member, I want to scream at them. These days, you don’t even have to visit the library to use it. All members get unlimited and completely FREE access to apps where you can borrow magazines, ebooks, audiobooks and TV shows. 

"My kids each have their own cards, and they absolutely love listening to audiobooks. Also, every library runs free workshops for adults and kids throughout the year. I’ve gone to writing workshops, and the kids have done cake decorating and rock painting."

Image: Supplied. 


Jell, 43

"Bulk cook-ups and a deep freezer are my hot tips. These save me on the nights I’m exhausted from work, my teenage sons are hangry and before I know it, I’ve blown $50 on takeaway. Also, bring your own lunch to work. It may not look pretty, but neither does the cost of living."

Di, 62

"I get my hair done at the local TAFE for half the price I was paying at a salon. They do a lovely job too. I also quite like going to the Silver Service Restaurant where you can get a three course meal and five star service for around $40. It’s still a treat, of course, but incredibly reasonable."

Michelle, 31

"Our two little ones love a morning at the markets and so do we. Markets always have a super chill but fun vibe. There’s amazing live music, beautiful art, and cool people. You could easily go without spending a cent, but I can’t resist my Saturday morning cappuccino, a couple of bucks for the busker and a little treat for the kids, which adds up to $20 max."

Image: Supplied. 


Claire, 22

"My big tip — hit up the op shops. Honestly, once you get your first 'op shop win', you’ll be hooked. Sometimes the clothes will need to be amended in some way, so I take them to my lovely sewing lady who will weave her magic for under a tenner. This hack alone has saved me hundreds."

Caitlin, 38

"Honestly, our best family days out don’t cost much more than the petrol it takes to get there. Playing cricket on the beach, exploring waterfalls, bush walks — they’re all totally free. And they stay that way if you bring your own food and water."

Image: Supplied. 


Mandy, 50 

"Get your kids into sport then every single weekend will be filled with said sport and you won’t have time to spend money."

Nikki, 41

"Fakeaway is my greatest money-saving hack. It’s like cooking the dinner you would normally buy on takeaway night, but for a quarter of the price. Plus, it’s fun. The kids love it. We do fish and chips, butter chicken (but with a packet sauce), rice and cheeseburgers."

Check out OnePass for more value from your favourite brands. 

T&Cs, exclusions apply. Free delivery with no minimum spend. OnePass average member savings based on: (free delivery) average transaction frequency of all members at participating brands in 2023 and the proportion of transactions eligible for free delivery; (for member pricing) average transaction frequency of all members at Catch in 2023 and average savings per transaction. Members pay membership fees to access OnePass savings and membership fees have not been deducted from savings calculated above. 

Feature Image: Getty/Mamamia. 

OnePass is a paid membership program that helps Aussie's save when shopping at Kmart, Target, Catch, Bunnings Warehouse, Officeworks, and Priceline Pharmacy!
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