There’s something Hilary Clinton needs to you know.
It isn’t that she is the most qualified person on the planet to be the next President of the United States. It’s not that she was instrumental in the operation to find Osama Bin Laden. It’s not even that she is the only presidential candidate to have a Grammy (Google it, people).
No. What Hilary wants you to know is that she is a really, really good mother.
Step up, Chelsea Clinton.
“Every single memory of my mom is that regardless of what was going on in her life, she was always there for me,” Ms Clinton the younger told a packed crowd at the Democratic Convention last week. “Every soccer game, every softball game, every dance recital, every piano recital… Countless Saturdays making up stories about the shapes we saw in the clouds…”
Really? She made time for EVERY soccer game, Chelsea? Damn straight. And that’s not all…
“Whenever my mom was away for work – which thankfully wasn’t very often – she left notes for me for every day she was gone,” Chelsea, now a mother of two young kids herself, went on. “All stacked very neatly together in a special drawer, they’d all have dates on the front so that I would know which notes to open on each day.