A few years back, when my kids were still little (around two and five years old) another mum-friend made a comment as our play-date was coming to an end. She said: "I always learn something about parenting after I’ve been with you". Two thoughts flashed simultaneously in my mind:
1. I must be a boring person to hang out with!
2. Can’t she tell I’ve got no idea what I’m doing?
I’m pretty sure I laughed in her face, but she shook her head and said: “You use all your teacher-tricks… like when you do the ‘I’m getting serious count’ you start at five and go down to zero and you don’t muck around. I start at one and drag it out. I got to eleven the other day before I realised I had no idea where I was going. When would I stop? At a hundred? A thousand?”
A thank you to teachers, everywhere, from Sydney to Cambodia. Post continues below.
I’m pretty sure our conversation degenerated into an analysis of the highest number our eldest child might know and I assured her that I’d made it to zero plenty of times without my child slipping into the compliant obedience I was seeking.