
12 habits of happy, healthy people who don’t give a sh*t about your inner peace.


Every damn time someone in my Facebook feed posts something like this, I click it. Every damn time.

We all have this Facebook friend, right? People you genuinely love and admire. People you like hanging out with. People you invite to your birthday parties. You know. Actual friends. Until you’ve clicked links exactly like this again and again and again. For YEARS. And all of a sudden, you start to wonder if this is some elaborate hoax, if you’ve actually just been reading the same article over and over.

It’s not like I have anything against happiness, or success, or meditation, or yoga, or being nice, or smiling more, or eating healthy, or losing weight, or being your best you, or embracing the day with a positive attitude. Those all sound great. Honestly, they do. And there are some really smart, simple truths to be found in all of those articles. There truly are.

It’s just that I have a problem with being told to do all of those things by skinny blonde ladies laughing on a beach wearing yoga pants.

Don’t believe me? Take the challenge. Next time you read one of these articles, I dare you not to play Inspirational Photo Bingo: 

Don’t believe me? Compiling these photos took LESS THAN FOUR MINUTES.


I can’t f*cking remember the last time I pranced around a tropical island paradise waving a white scarf around my head as a professional photographer snapped a picture, but I bet if I did, I’d be a whole lot happier too.

Below please find my version of this article, that I want to share with you, the internet. May it bring you all the inner peace you can cram into your backpacking gear right before downward dogging it atop that mountain at sunrise.

  • Do whatever the f*ck you want.
  • Do whatever the f*ck you want.
  • Seriously, do you want that burger? Then just f*cking eat a burger. Don’t be gross about it, and don’t eat a burger three meals a day. But I beg you, women and image-conscious male humans of the world, stop beating yourself up about it and just eat the f*cking burger.
  • Do whatever the f*ck you want.
  • Have good friends. Call them. Complain a little. That’s what friends are for. Return the favor. Don’t be a s*itty friend.
  • Learn how to laugh about farts. Fart more. Laugh about it.
  • Be incessantly curious about the world around you! Experience art, science, beauty, and nature! But stop beating yourself up on those nights when you just want to sit your ass on the couch and watch reruns of Friends. 
  • Smile when you feel like smiling. Laugh whenever you fucking feel like laughing. Pro tip: Being told to ‘laugh more’ is not going to make you laugh more. Being told to ‘smile more’ is not going to make you smile more.
  • Make time for yourself. After you’ve run that 5K, started a load of laundry, harvested your organic vegetable garden, run to the bank, paid the bills, dazzled everyone with recipes that are cost-effective, healthy and delicious, thought of something witty and clever to share with your social networking site, caught up on current events and politics, and cleaned all of the house, that special hour set aside just for you is so critical to your well-being.
  • Do whatever the f*ck you want.
  • Don’t care what other people think. Unless they’re right. In which case, f*cking humble yourself enough to listen to them
  • Do. Whatever. The F*ck. You Want.
Katherine Fritz

Do what you want. Be your damn self. Don’t be a terrible person. Be nice to others. Be supportive of your friends and allow yourself to give them the benefit of the doubt when they want to try something new, like rescuing shelter dogs, making performance art in the nude or dating terrible people.

They’re your friends and you love them, and if they suck, stop being their friend. Show up for work. Pay your bills. Find some f*cking purpose in your life, and figure out a way to share that purpose with others in a way that isn’t sanctimonious and doesn’t involve a picture of a woman laughing at an empty beach.


Smile because something makes you smile. Laugh because you’ve surrounded yourself by people who make you laugh, and they’re funny f*cking people, and you’re happy to be with them. Dance because you’re drunk at a big dance party with your friends and Michael Jackson is playing, not because ‘no one is watching’. Everyone is watching. We’re at a f*cking party. That’s how parties work.

Do whatever the f*ck you want.

And the next time one of you has the kind of spare cash around to take a prancercise vacation to a tropical island, for the love of all that is holy please bring me with you. I am excellent at waving scarves around but even better at buying drinks with tiny umbrellas.

*And I don’t even HAVE KIDS! Or a husband! Or a boyfriend! I can’t even imagine how condescending that advice must feel to working mums. As someone who works all the time and can barely remember which day of the week the trash gets taken out: making time for yourself seems like one of the cruelest bits of advice of all. I’ll make plenty of time for myself. ONCE I FINISH ALL OF THE THINGS.

Katherine Fritz is a writer and a costume designer living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She writes about that at her blog, You can find her on twitter at @katherinefritz1, and more information about her at She’s not sure if her mother reads her blog. She hopes not.

What are your tips for happy, healthy, not-giving-a-shit living?

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