
13 bands you shoud tell your kids about. Before it's too late.

Well, freak me. Apparently, at the exact same moment you hit middle age, you also stop caring about modern music. Or at least, that’s what the music streaming giant Spotify, would have us believe.


According to its carefully analysed data, not only will we stop listening to new music, there will also come a time in our lives when our opinions on such things will become irrelevant.

To which I say this: BULLSHIT.

Earlier this year, The Huffington Post reported that Ajay Kalia, product owner for 'taste profiles' at Spotify, scrutinised the figures and came to the following conclusion:

"Teens tend to listen to whatever is considered popular at the moment. By the time they hit their 20s, though, they are increasingly more interested in exploring the broader music world, hoping to make their own musical discoveries".

He didn't pull listening data from anyone over the age of 50 (because apparently they don't buy or appreciate music), but did offer this:

"Events like having a child - at any age - disrupt one's music-listening habits, mainly because those with children have less time to listen to music."

Less time? Dude, after having a baby, sometimes all we HAVE is time.



Kalia said people start "scratching their heads at the more popular tunes" by the time they reached their mid-30s. Can I be so bold as to hypothesise that this is because by the time they reached 35, they'd recognised that MOST OF IT WAS SHIT?

But maybe he has a valid point. There is most definitely an age when you can no longer tolerate rubbish music. What age that is, exactly, is hard to determine but one thing I think we can all agree on is that if declaring your belief that music was better back in "the day" makes us middle-aged, then SO BE IT.


Wouldn’t it be wonderful, though, if we saw a shift in this data? If younger kids started to add our playlists to their own? The kind of music that is both timeless and worthy? If, instead of buying songs from rappers who describe their girlfriends as "bitches", they began to embrace those damn fine life-changing songs from a few decades ago.

What Spotify can't measure is the influence we as parents or older mentors have over young minds. For large music corporations to discount us at a certain age is both stupid and hazardous because, let's face it, if anyone is going to steer these kids in the direction of a back catalogue, it's going to be us.

There are so many bands that deserve our acknowledgement, but these 13 should at least get a nod:

1. The Rolling Stones

2. The Doors

3. Fleetwood Mac

4. R.E.M

5. Bruce Springsteen

6. The Kinks

7. Led Zepplin

8. Jeff Buckley

9. Talking Heads

10. Pink Floyd

11. Queen

12. Prince

13. Creedence Clear Water Revival


Which other timeless artists have you introduced the younger generation to?

Enjoy this gallery of classic pictures of the 13th most timeless bands.

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