Toby Halligan tries to unpack Tony Abbott’s last week in politics. And it only ends in tears.
Well, it’s happened. The Prime Minister has officially broken through the comedy barrier and become a political performance artist, bewildering the entire world and rendering all satire redundant.
Thank god he was touring an onion farm, not a cattle ranch.
MORE: Tony Abbott calls living in Indigenous communities a ‘lifestyle choice’.
With the chomp of a single onion Tony Abbott has made writing comedy about him pointless. Tony Abbott now is to politics what Puppetry of the Penis is to theatre.
As a professional comedy writer typically my process is, when trying to find humour in the often dry business of the state, to unpack a particular moment and try to get inside the head of the person in question.
But understanding how Tony Abbott came to this particular decision is hard. Is it just campaign 101 for Tony? Babies are presented you kiss them, hands are presented you shake them, when an unpeeled, raw onion is presented, you eat it?
Remember this was a zero risk event. There was literally no pressure of any kind. Tony was presented with a scenario most 8 year olds are happy navigating. You’re presented with something in an inedible state and the question is: Do I Eat This?
Is it possible that the Prime Minister has simply never encounter an onion before? No. He apparently declared afterwards: “Better than any other onions I’ve eaten in a long time”.