
Beautiful proof: It's not just a cliche, kids really do grow up in the blink of an eye.



Dutchman Frans Hofmeester, who is far more creative and, let’s be honest, far more forward thinking than I am, has put together this incredible time-lapse video of his daughter from the time she was born until the age of 14.

If you’re anything like me, you will watch it with a tear in your eye and a catch in your throat as this gorgeous little baby morphs into a toddler, a little girl and then, in only a few short moments, a young lady.

And it’s not the change in her hairstyles or missing teeth or even the very honest emotions that the camera catches that will resonate with most people — it will be the recognition that as parents, we miss the subtle changes in our children because we look at them each and every day without the benefit of hindsight.

We often lament that our children grow in the blink of an eye.

Well, here is beautiful proof.

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