
Explainer: Everything we know about the Seven boss Tim Worner sex allegations.

Earlier this week, details of an affair between Seven West Media’s chief executive Tim Worner and former executive assistant Amber Harrison broke. And like all stories involving high-profile figures, a lot more information and further allegations have come out in the 48 hours that have followed. Accusations of additional affairs, company credit card misappropriation, plummeting stock prices, and a lot of legal action.

Here’s everything we know so far.

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Seven West Media CEO Tim Worner. Source: Youtube.

On Monday of this week, Harrison sent information of the affair to a number of Australian media outlets, claiming she had decided to go public due to a breakdown in negotiations with Seven West Media.

According to the now 37-year-old Harrison, she and Worner first began flirting via text messages in November 2012, when she was working as an executive assistant to the then CEO of Seven West Media's publishing arm Pacific Magazines, Nick Chan.

Worner was 51 at the time and had not yet been appointed to the position of CEO.

Harrison says flirting between the pair became physical a month later and claims the pair met for sexual encounters at her apartment, as well as Seven West Media functions and sponsored events. These are said to include the celebration party of Worner's promotion to Seven West Media CEO in 2013, and the 2014 Channel Seven-sponsored Australian Open. She also claims that during their affair Worner would ignore her at work, but visit her for sex outside of hours.

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Amber Harrison claims the affair went on for almost two years. Source: Youtube.

Harrison says company credit cards and Cabcharge cards were routinely used during their encounters.

Harrison also claims they occasionally used cocaine during their meet-ups and says that in June 2013 the married father-of-four sent her a text message that read, “I think my performance was drug assisted. And if you can go dirtier I am slightly scared. But you are f hot so I will take the chance.”

In her complaint lodged with the Human Rights Commission, Harrison describes the affair as “thrilling to begin with" and said “I knew he was married. It was never about love. It was about sex and power. He likes having a bit on the side."

Harrison says their last encounter was in June 2014.

Harrison claims that following the breakdown of the relationship she suffered panic attacks at work and required time off. In July 2014, she says she sought support from Seven West Media's human resources department and made a complaint against Worner.


Harrison says she signed a deed for money to be paid to her on the condition had she not "make any statement publicly or otherwise about or related to the relationship." She was also to destroy information about the affair.

It was around this time, she says, that an investigation into her corporate credit card use was launched and in November that year a report finding nearly $262,00 of unauthorised expenditure was produced. She was made redundant.

Seven West Media have denied the credit card investigation executed by Deloitte was a result of a HR complaint, saying it was a ­random check.

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Tim Worner (right) in 2014 with AOC President John Coates, AOC Chef De Mission Kitty Chiller and Chairman of Seven West Media Kerry Stokes. Source: Getty.

Harrison hired a legal firm and claimed she was being bullied, victimised and a victim of sexual harassment within the workplace.

Ultimately a new deed was signed, said to stipulate Harrison would receive about $350,000, including $100,000 in compensation for alleged injury.

Listen: Mia Freedman, Holly Wainwright and Monique Bowley discuss the ramifications of office affairs

Fairfax reports that the second agreement collapsed when Harrison did not hand over her personal computer and phone, and Seven West Media's agreed payments, she says, ceased.

In May of this year, her legal case went to the Human Rights Commission, but ongoing mediation attempts between herself, lawyers and Seven West Media failed.

The Daily Telegraph reports that when the newspaper first contacted Seven West Media about Harrison's claims they were threatened with legal action.

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Worner was appointed CEO in 2014. Source: Youtube.

A day later, however, the company conceded the affair had taken place but labelled it as a private matter and released a statement saying, "Seven agrees that the inappropriate consensual sexual relationship made public by Ms Harrison is deeply regrettable and the chairman has always made clear to Mr Worner that the alleged conduct, even though a personal matter, was completely unacceptable. Allegations made in her statement which name other ­employees are rejected totally, including any allegation that other current or former employees have been paid off.”


Now 55, Worner also released a statement, saying “This relationship finished some years ago and I apologised at the time and am still trying to make amends.

“I am obviously filled with the deepest regret and shame. My focus is to continue to work through this in private and minimise the distress to my family," he said.

"They are the most important people in the world to me and I will continue to fight to repair the damage I caused."

Tim Worner. Source: Facebook.

Following news of the affair breaking on Monday, Seven West Media's company’s share price plunged by $98 million.

On Tuesday, allegations of Worner having affairs with at least another four women within the Seven West Media company broke - two of whom are said to be high-profile television personalities.

One anonymous source from within Seven West Media told News Corp the new allegations were “just the tip of the iceberg."

“I could think of several more off the top of my head — and that’s not including those who turned him down," the source claimed. “I’d imagine his charisma would be hard to refuse for some. Plus he’s the boss. You could never reject him and risk offending his ego.”

While senior members of Seven West Media have been locked in crisis talks since the story broke, they have confirmed Worner will stay on as CEO.

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