
Original Bachie Tim Robards defends Blake after split with Louise.

Finding love on reality TV can prove risky, and is sometimes an unsuccessful business.

The latest lovebirds to hit turbulence are Louise Pillidge and Blake Garvey from The Bachelor’s controversial second season.

With Garvey and Pillidge’s whirlwind media breakup tour almost over and former Bachelorettes coming out of the woodwork to voice their opinions on the split, everyone’s favourite Bach-made-good has come to the former couple’s defence.

“I guess not all relationships work out,” Tim Robards told The Daily Mail, saying some had been more “lucky” than others.

Robards and Heinrich, still going strong. Source: Facebook.

Robards, who found love with Anna Heinrich in season one of The Bachelor says he and his lawyer girlfriend are still going as strong as ever almost three years after they made their love official to the nation.

"I don't want to compare anything but for us, we just do our thing. We're lucky just having a normal relationship," Robards continued.

From the get go, Garvey and Pillidge's relationship was not what you would call conventional.

They found love, then heartbreak, then love again, and now heartbreak once more. Source: Facebook

In addition to Louise not actually winning Blake's heart or the large sponsored engagement ring while on the show, there was also the issue of distance, with her living in Sydney and him in Perth.

So after 18 months of what they've described as an ongoing public hounding, as well as three months of marriage counselling, the pair have allegedly now called it quits.


"There's a lot more media hype around it," Robards said, suggesting that the media attention wasn't as severe for himself and Heinrich.

"We didn't have that as much. We worked hard not to spoil anything for the show but we didn't have to go out in the middle of nowhere, we'd just have to go at different times."

Well done producers, well done. Source: Facebook.

Going out at different times though hasn't exactly been Garvey and Pillidge's strategy, with a staged photo shoot announcing the separation, and a host of TV and radio interviews made since the announcement.

While Garvey says the former rose-loving couple had to split publicly, others are smelling a rat (also known as money).

RIP Blouise.

Watch Blake and Louise talk about their now defunct love on The Project. 

Video via The Project

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