Remember ‘Tiger Mom?’ Amy Chua?
If you aren’t familiar with her first book ‘Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother’ and her proclamation that Chinese mothers are superior and therefore, breed superior children, you can read about it here.
Obviously, Chua made waves with her first and bestselling book, so it’s not surprising she’s back with a brand new set of rules, and this time she straying into even more controversial territory. One where no one is safe.
According to Chua and her husband, Jed Reubenfeld, who co-authored the new book ‘The Triple Package” there are three reasons why 8 particular groups reign supreme over everyone else in America. The three reasons being: Superiority Complexes, Insecurity and Impulse control.
Should you not belong to any of the following groups, you are, according to the authors, simply contributing to the downfall of America. Not surprisingly, Chua and Reubenfeld belong to two of the groups they deem to be exceptional. In no particular order, the groups are:
- Jewish
- Indian
- Chinese
- Iranian
- Lebanese-Americans
- Nigerians
- Cuban exiles
- Mormons
What though, does the ‘Triple Package’ entail. What are, according to the authors, the distinguishing factors that make these eight groups the most superior in America: (From New York Post)
1. A superiority complex
“Any group that collectively believes they are inherently better than any other, say the authors, has an advantage. They do note that this is perhaps humanity’s oldest and ugliest flaw, the bottom-line cause of wars and genocide. In their estimation, it’s not nearly common enough in America, where “the Superiority Complex . . . is antithetical to mainstream liberal thinking . . . the stuff of racism, colonialism, imperialism, Nazism.”
This way of thinking, they write, has been a big boon to Mormons and Jews, though they also fail to note that believing in the superiority of a belief system is the driving force behind almost all organized religion. (Except the Amish. The authors freely note that the Amish are losers for this very reason.)