In an unexpected twist of events, it appears threesomes are a popular choice for Christmas presents this year.
Oh yes, threesomes.
Sydney-based escort Summer Knight has told Daily Mail as such, anyway, revealing that the demand for ménage à trois increases exponentially when the tinsel and carols make their yearly appearance.
“Every year for the past four to five years I’ve noticed the number [of couple bookings] really spikes,” she told the publication.
“In a normal month I might get one or two couple bookings but in December it’s probably about half of my bookings!”
Chuck out your scented candles and gift cards to Bunnings, people! If a rendezvous with a sex worker isn’t a unique gift idea for your significant other, I really don’t know what is.
LISTEN: How to approach someone to have a threesome. (Post continues after audio.)
“Around Christmas, many of the couples say it’s a gift for one or the other or it’s their way of spoiling themselves around the holiday season and spicing up their sex lives. They buy everyone else a present and then buy themselves a night away from the kids and some really hot sex,” Summer added.
She also said that while the experience is undeniably enjoyable, she’s also seen it heal a fractured marriage.