
"I can't be the only one." Women told us their weird habit they thought was normal.

The thing about me, and you, and any individual for that matter, is that we never get a break from ourselves. Don’t worry, I’m not trying to send you into an existential spiral, I’m just pointing out how desensitised we are to our unique idiosyncrasies. 

I’ll give you an example. The other day, my housemate was scandalised when I took a tomato out of the fridge and proceeded to eat it like an apple. In fact, I believe her exact words were: "I’m gagging."

And yet, it's so common for me to treat an Heirloom like a Pink Lady that her disgust confused me. When I told her as much, she retorted: "normal people don’t eat tomatoes like apples".

Yeah, so that’s my 'thing'. I 'apple' a tomato.

We all have a 'thing'. And if you think you don’t have a 'thing' then one of the three things is happening.

  1. You haven’t done your 'thing' in front of anyone.
  2. No one has been brave enough to tell you your 'thing' is a 'thing'.
  3. You know your 'thing' is weird so you keep it under wraps (an option I should have considered before munching on a tomato in front of my roommate).

Your 'thing' could be anything. Maybe you enjoy carrots dipped in honey or maybe you own a poop knife (yes, you read that right). Both real 'things' by the way, courtesy of Reddit. 

We were curious, so we put a call out for the 'things' you guys do — the ones you think are trés ordinary, thank you very much! But everyone else? Not so much.

Here is what you said:

"I eat ham and tomato sauce sandwiches — I thought this was normal, like devon and tomato sauce."

"After my run in the morning, if I'm working from home, I'll hop back into bed for a bit to work, still in my activewear. Some of my friends think this is gross, but I'm not a sweaty person and my clothes are always clean so I really feel like it's not that bad. I wash my sheets once a week anyway!"


"I don't automatically know my left from my right, so always have to make a 'secret' L shape with my thumb and finger. Never ask me for directions."

"As a kid I used to crawl up my house stairs with my hands and feet. To this day I sometimes feel the urge to use hands and feet to get up the stairs, despite being a couple decades too old for it to be socially acceptable to crawl. But don't worry, I never do this outside of my home."

"I wash my towels after every use. Why would I want to 'dry' my clean body with a material that was soggy overnight? I think it's gross."

"I sometimes clip my toenails at my work desk if it's a quiet day and no one is around. Don't worry, I dispose of the clippings. But I agree — it's rogue."

"I will eat a banana while I'm having my morning shower. I love a snack, and I feel like it hits two birds with one stone — saving on time in the mornings before work by eating my fruit in the shower."

I want to emphasise — having a 'thing' isn’t necessarily a bad thing (unless it’s a poop knife). It just makes us unique. And you best believe I will continue to eat tomatoes like apples! So, go on then, what's your thing?

Calling all Australians aged 18+! Complete this survey now to go in the running to win a $50 gift voucher.


Feature Image: Getty

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