
The 10 dumbest things I've said to my toddlers.








Since having kids, I tend to say things I’ve never said and do things I’ve never done. Being a mum has made me rattle off the dumbest questions and most pointless sentences of my life. Some so ridiculous that after I say it, I think to myself: “What does that even mean?” Here’s a few examples of things I’ve said recently:

1. “If you don’t get your shoes on I’m leaving without you.”

Seriously, where am I going to go without her? Legally, I can only go in the back yard. Or the garage.

2. “Do you want me to spank you?”

How many children actually answer, “yes” to this question?

3. “If you don’t clean up that mess, you’re going straight to bed.”

Also, it’s two in the afternoon.

4. “If you don’t stop, I’m turning this car around and we’re going home.”

This only ever happens on days when we have to be someplace like the doctor, the bank, or preschool.

5. “You have 30 seconds to get those toys cleaned up or I’m throwing them all away.”

Throwing away “all those toys” is an awful lot of work. I have no desire to partake in an activity of this nature.


6. “If you don’t eat, I’m not going to give you any more dinner.”

This pretty much makes no sense.

7. “I’m going to count to three and you better stop, or else.”

Even I don’t know what else.

8. “Are you trying to make me mad?”

Silly. My toddlers don’t deliberately try to make me mad. They just ignore me until my eyes cross, and my head spins.

9. “If you don’t start listening, I’m going to stop talking.”

Said the mum to the toddlers who aren’t listening.

10. “If you don’t stop playing with your food, I’m going to take it away.”

Chances are if they aren’t eating; they aren’t hungry or don’t want it. Duh.

I’m going to have to step it up and change my game for when they get older and start to realize that the upper hand has pretty much always been theirs. Until then, they have 30 seconds or else…

This post was originally published on and has been republished here with full permission.

Christina has two toddlers and one on the way—a baby, not a toddler. When she’s not writing, she’s neglecting laundry, making mediocre meals for her family and answering the same question 147 times in a single minute. You can find her hiding in the closet and eating candy at: The Mediocre Housewife.

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