
A mum of six kids shares her tips for the school holidays.

Here’s just a few activity ideas for during the school holidays.

The things I plan to do with my ginormous crew!

Make plans.

Sure this might seem simple.

Or, you’re thinking, “Shit, Krechelle you’re a bloody genius.”

Don’t get over zealous either.

One activity/idea a day should cut it!

But having it all written down? That’s the kind of direction I need in my life because I’m fucking hopeless without it.


Check out the “what’s on (insert your city here)” websites!

They are great!!

Fresh food market trails: treasure hunts and kids eat free restaurant deals during the school holidays are fantastic!

I personally love…

“What’s on for kids and families Adelaide.” Full of great ideas for us Adelaidians!

Shopping mall activities.

All local shopping malls normally have holiday activities; FREE! I’ll be heading down to Westfield Marion.

For my school holiday activities… it will fill at least two of my days! All details are available on their website here.

Movie day.

We have one of these each week.

Because it gives me time to mentally regroup.

Pyjamas, movies, popcorn.

You know what that means ladies; no washing clothes.


I also don’t use any dishes this day. Challenge accepted.

Pizza out of a box or a floor picnic with platters and no plates.

Just make it as easy as possible on yourself, you’ll need the rest for your next big holiday activity day!

Baking day.

Kids love to cook.

Try and do this at the start of the holidays.

Film critic Marc Fennell shares his tips for surviving a trip to the movies with the whole family. (Post continues after audio.)

I’m going to do mine the first Tuesday; muesli bars, pikelets, banana bread.

Cheap snacks done and ready to go for the entire holidays; don’t mind if I do.

Freeze some if needed!

Ship them off.

Yeah, you heard me.

You’ll also need a break.

Plan a sleepover now.

At a friend’s house.

At the grandparents.

At Jill the neighbour’s house.

They’ll be fine.

Take a long nap this day you’ll need it for the seven days you’ll have left of holidays.

Far far away park day.

Make sure you have leftover dinner in the fridge from the night before.

Find a park in a spot about an hour and a half away.


Check your state’s “playground” websites for somewhere special!

Make sure your house is tidy before you go.

Pack an esky with cruskits, fruit, snacks, water bottles.

Hit the road – normally they nap on the way there or back.

A getaway to a park will tire them out all the way home. Image via Facebook.

It's silent heaven.

Buy yourself a coffee; enjoy!

Play at the park, have some lunch, play some more. And then head home.

By the time you get home they are so pooped they'll eat the leftover food in two seconds, bath and then bed.

P.S. your house is still clean from the morning

You're welcome!


I find the holidays are an especially good time to get into a routine in the mornings that involve chores.

If your house needs a chore chart; great.

Rewards chart; fantastic. My kids are 4-6  and make their bed in the morning.

Tidy up after breakfast

Tidy up any toys they've used before we leave for the school run.

They also know what to do with dirty clothes and getting clean clothes for themselves.

I find this really helps me but most of all it's helping them learn responsibility.


Holidays we also do spring cleaning and gardens chores and the kids help.

Absolutely, I believe in chore time!

Craft day.

Normally I get out all the old craft supplies that need used; with a few newbies!

And we make make make.

All day long!

They are going to get messy; make sure you've laid out newspaper everywhere, everyone's wearing old clothes!

Today the theme is mess!

A great way to end the day is to head outside with some water pistols.

Nothing better than getting completely soaked after you've covered yourself in paint and glitter

All the clothes straight into the wash after.

It's a good day!

These are just a few of my tips and tricks

Comment your ideas below.

I'd love to hear them!

I hope you all have a fantastic two weeks. And also that the bedtimes come swiftly.

Sending strength.

Drink the wine.


This post was originally published on Eight at Home's Facebook page and has been republished with full permission.

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