real life

Uber drivers have shared reasons they don't give their passengers five stars.

And here you were thinking that being drunk was the biggest crime you could commit while riding in an Uber.

Uber drivers have shared their biggest pet-hates on secret-sharing app Whisper, revealing the kinds of things that will make them knock a few stars off your rating.

First-up: stop talking so much, motormouth.

“I’m an Uber driver… and I’m somewhat of a friendly dude… but I hate when my passengers talk my ear off… I’m getting paid to drive you not listen to your f****n problem,” one confessed.

Another one to add to the conversation blacklist: Stop asking your driver if they like driving.

“I HATE when people ask if I like it. Of course I like it. I wouldn’t be driving you around if I didn’t,” another added.

And if you thought those criticisms were particularly picky, you should also stop closing the door with a little bit of force.

“I hate it when Uber riders slam the door… it does not have a hinge and it’s not from the 80s,” one said.

“If you listen to the videos on your phone without wearing headphones, I will knock one star off your rating,'” another driver wrote.

Image via iStock.

Also, don't think that you're being helpful by offering to give a few directions.

"I hate when people get in my car and give me directions! Just give me the address and sit back," a frustrated driver wrote.

Another concurs. "Hate when a moron enters my car then proceeds to give me the same directions that are exactly on my GPS."

Notable additions include others hating it when you sit in the front seat and the fact your music taste probably sucks.

"When my passengers take the AUX chord I get really annoyed. I know I shouldn't care but I get distracted by s****y music," a driver confessed.

So next time, perhaps, just sit with your mouth closed, your phone off and let them drive?

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