So I originally entitled this “5 Things I Need To Stop Doing” because I literally began this as a list to remind myself that I need to stop doing these things.
Since becoming a mother, my anxiety has peaked with all the guilt, second guessing and doubt that comes along with the joys of having a baby sometimes.
Watch: A comprehensive list of the things you’ll NEVER hear mums say (post continues after audio…)
So I sat down and wrote myself a list of five things that I absolutely need to stop – and I think a lot of other mums would agree:
Comparing yourself to other mothers.
Or anyone else for that matter! I’m the first to admit that I am guilty of this, it is so easy to do when you constantly see people’s highlight reels every day via social media.
The Pinterest worthy parties, the art museum worth food production for a kids lunch or fit mum with rock hard abs three hours postpartum. They might be someone’s reality, but it isn’t mine…
The $4 ice-cream cake from Woolies, squashed Vegemite sandwiches or can of baked beans, and jiggly mum-tum with tiger stripes are my reality and that’s absolutely FINE! You cannot live your life for Instagram.