You see babies being born on TV all the time, but when you actually experience it yourself you can see how helpful and/or infuriating you really are.
Oh, it’s also one the most amazing moments of your entire life. But…
1. This is not the best time to multi-task.
The first stage of my wife’s labour went for ages. I thought I’d make use of my time in the birthing suite by working on my Masters assignment while my wife was dealing with contractions. My wife, who is an angel, put up with about an hour of me frantically clicking away on my laptop until she said,
“Jeff, can you please stop tapping away on the laptop. You’re driving me insane. I’m in a LOT OF PAIN!!”
It probably wasn’t the best time to organise my footnotes.
2. Now, that’s a tight squeeze.
I used to look at parking spaces and wonder if I could squeeze my SUV between a badly parked station wagon and a pole. If you’ve seen a baby come out via a very small space your perception of space is changed forever. Seriously, women are tough. I carry on like a soccer player when I stub my toe.
I’m pretty sure this was my face when the head popped out. Women are tough as hell.
3. Boys don't will cry.
When our daughter was born I cried. It was the biggest cry I experienced in 20 years. I cried like Kim Kardashian, watching The Notebook on tear steroids. I was so overwhelmed with joy, passion, admiration and relief that our little girl had made it into the world.