
The good, the bad and ugly things kids share with their parents.

Thanks to our brand partner, Combantrin®

The minute you become pregnant you realise that you are no longer alone. And for a very long time you will never, ever be alone. You learn that not only are you creating this being, you are sharing every single fiber of yourself with it, both literally and emotionally.

But it soon works two ways — as your kids share a whole pile of things with you too. They share their germs, their dreams and their unfiltered thoughts on your body (muuummm your arms look like Batman’s).

It’s a mutually beneficial relationship… most of the time… as we know that sharing, both physically and metaphorically, is a vital and joyful part of learning and development, even if at times the sharing can be a little on the icky side.

Here is a collection of the good, bad and the ugly things kids selflessly share.

Let’s start with the bad.

Every bug going around daycare.

No matter how much hand-washing and coughing techniques you teach, kids are their very own little germ incubators. What you soon learn though is that it isn’t just your kids that get continuously sick; they very kindly pass each and every bug on to you and the whole family.

Nits, nits, and more nits.

They are hard to beat, those teeny-tiny little nits and once you’ve got them they seem to delight in jumping from head to head sharing their newborn eggs. Sharing, in this case, is not caring.

things kids share with parents
“Sharing, in this case, is not caring.” Image via iStock.

The half mouldy cracker from under the car seat.

You think your offspring are so kind that they are offering you half their treat.

Oh, thanks darling…

Until you realise they found it under their car seat.


Yet another inevitable part of having a child. Before kids you might have shrieked in horror at the thought of your child carrying something contagious but a few years into the whole parenting-caper you become so used to bodily functions you don’t blink an eyelid.

Worms? Oh easy-peasy.

The thing with worms is that they too are something that can be shared with the whole family, so it’s important to treat them promptly and efficiently. And we all know what that means – just the right dose of those chocolate squares to be shared amongst the whole clan, followed with another dose 2-4 weeks later if symptoms are still present to ensure there are no more worms left to share.


Their fears.

Kids are so honest and trusting they really will confide everything in you as long as you are open enough to absorb it. My eldest was terrified of balloons for about three years. It would have been easy to laugh, but the fact he shared with me his deepest fears was enough to take it seriously.

things kids share with parents
“My eldest was terrified of balloons for about three years.” Image via iStock.

Half their dinner.

And usually the other half ends up on the floor.

Their unfiltered views about your body.

Muuum your breath is disgusting.

About three buckets of sand from the sandpit at daycare.

Brought home every day in their shoes.

things kids share with parents
At least three buckets brought home daily. Image via iStock.

The ugly.

A bathtub ‘floater’.

Our offspring like to share this little nugget of themselves from time to time. How considerate.


Their artistic skills when they use the contents of their nappy as “paint” on the sides of their cot.

Yes, it’s happened, way too many times for my liking.

Projectile vomit.

Often right up your own nose and in your mouth.

And best of all, the good.

Their odd beliefs that make you re-think your own life.

The way kids think is often thought provoking. The things they say, their odd observances. Quite often just a few words can give you a whole new perspective on things.

Their enthusiasm.

Having kids can help you remember your own childish nature, as they share their excitement with you for even the smallest of things. A simple walk produces unbridled enthusiasm over a butterfly, a cicada, the way the sand drips from your fingers while making sandcastles on the beach.

things kids share with parents
A simple walk to school can equal unbridled enthusiasm. Image via iStock.

Their imaginations.

From their games to their fantasies, kids’ imaginations are limitless.

Mama what if we are just in a story and people are actually reading about us?

My daughter asked me just the other day. Mind blown.

Their empathy and love.

Our children share with us the wonder of unconditional love – teaching us just how limitless it can be.

Their lives.

It’s a privilege isn’t it, this parenting thing? That these little souls bless you with their wonder and joy, that they give themselves to you to learn from and love.

What good, bad and ugly things have your kids shared with you?



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