From the moment I receive my wedding invitation in the mail I can’t help but pick fault in it. I know I should have stronger opinions on real issues like the plight of refugees, the Syrian crisis and gender bias in the workforce, but nothing seems to incite more emotion in me than weddings. Except for baby announcements – I can dissect those for hours.
Here are ten things that irritate me about weddings. If you are planning a wedding, there are more don’ts than dos in this list so take note:
1. Predictable, unoriginal and formal wedding invitations. Modern font does little to liven up an invitation that “officially requests the pleasure of your company.” Get original with your words and make it personal. Show a bit of your personality.
2. Highly stylised invitation ‘packages’ with about a dozen inserts. Too many inserts mean too many choices, and usually, too many dollars. You are not that important. And the addition of a love heart postage stamp is just tacky. To think that people pay double price for this?!
3. An inconvenient date. This one is fairly self-explanatory and I know I am not alone in my frustration at this. NO ONE wants to go to a wedding on a long weekend or a weekday. Long weekend are too precious in people’s lives. They may still come to your wedding but they will moan about it amongst their friends. And if you have it on a weekday people will just think you’re a cheapskate.
4. Ecumenical services. Correction. Ecumenical services for couples that have never stepped foot inside a church since they were baptised. A bigger hypocrisy I cannot think of.
5. Too much time in between wedding and reception. The maximum time between I do and I drink should be an hour and this is only if there is a nearby pub conveniently chosen for a post-ceremony drink.